all this 98 trouble..

Sat, 25 Apr 1998 07:14:10 -0400 (EDT)

with all these people having crazy boot problems with IDE on 2.1.98, i
couldn't help but wonder.. could it be somehow linked to a similar
operating system product versioned '98' as well? is there something in a
number? was Linus subconsciously forced to sabotage some simple code by
all of the windows hype?

although, i can very confidently say our version '99' will be out before
microsoft's :)
_ _ __ __ _ _ _
| / |/ /_ __/ /_____ | Nuke Skyjumper |
| / / // / '_/ -_) | "Master of the Farce" |
|_ /_/|_/\_,_/_/\_\\__/ _|_ _|

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