FD LIMITS in 2.1.95

Daniel Corbe (corbe@corbe.net)
Sat, 25 Apr 1998 17:51:57 -0400 (EDT)

How do I raise the maximum number of file descriptors that a
program can have open in the linux 2.1.9X kernels? I remember it being
#defined in limits.h in 2.0.X kernels, and I changed the limits.h #define
but it didn't work =(

 \|/ ____ \|/   Daniel Corbe -http://www.corbe.net   
 -@_/ o0 \_@-   ------------  
 /_( \__/ )_\        E-Mail: corbe@corbe.net
    \__U_/       NIC Handle: DC8124

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