make on a 2.1.10{2,3}

Mihai Ibanescu (
Mon, 25 May 1998 19:52:33 +0300 (EET DST)


I have some problems with make menuconfig.

1. Tried to make menuconfig when I was still with 2.0.34pre12. It
complained about my ncurses library, and then only a nice screen with Yes
and No appeared. So, I compiled it the good old way, with make config. And

2. With my 102, make menuconfig works, but it seems to freeze (in fact, it
takes awk about 20 minutes and 90% of the CPU to process the configuration

Is this normal behaviour? My computer is a P166 with 64M. A "stable"
kernel compiles in less than 5 minutes (this is my benchmark for the speed
of a computer).

Best wishes,


Mihai Ibanescu Dynamic Network Technologies Moara de Foc 35, et. 7, 6600 Iasi tel. +40-32-252936

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