Re: [EXAMPLE-PATCH] /proc/config

Martin Mares (
Fri, 29 May 1998 21:37:16 +0200


> Minimal? My, I can't even count the times I've said to myself "What the
> hell did I compile this kernel with?" Or, had to go through by hand via
> make config to duplicate (and pray I got it right) a configuration on a
> customer's site who managed to 'rm -rf /usr/src/linux'.

Well, there is a simpler solution:

make zImage
cat arch/i386/boot/zImage .config >/boot/vmlinuz

and then just look at the kernel image with `less' to get the config...
(Well, this assumes you don't lose the kernel binary image, but it's
unlikely to happen anyway.) This solution still works and doesn't eat up
precious kilobytes of kernel space.

> # Have a nice fortnight
> After you destroyed a good 45 minutes of my work with one sentance??!!
> < ^^ joke :) >

<LAW AUTHOR="Murphy"> 90% of project take 10% of time, the remaining
10% take the remaining 90% of time. </LAW>

Martin `MJ' Mares   <>
Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep., Earth
"God is real, unless declared integer."

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