Linux testing

Alex Buell (
Wed, 03 Jun 1998 14:48:37 +0000

Hi guys,

The news that 2.0.34 is soon to go live prompted me to suggest a method
of testing the kernels and its drivers to ensure that bugs are stomped

What if someone was to write a suite of test programs that exercises
every aspect of the kernel and generates a report on problems found with
the kernels and its associated drivers/modules. This could be one neat
way to uncover bugs and automatically generate a bug report. Is this
feasible or just impossible? For each new feature that goes into the
kernel, one could add a test program to go with it and so on? It would
be obvious that this test suite would not use libc or whatever, except
for outputting results in order to avoid bugs in libc et. al from
obscuring proper testing of the kernel.

Comments, anyone?


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