Re: 5000 emails later, compressed summary ;)

Ion Badulescu (
Thu, 4 Jun 1998 01:51:25 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Michael, Alan,

On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Michael Elizabeth Chastain wrote:

> Ion writes:
> > I have another patch waiting, it implements smart dependencies based on
> > Michael Chastain's 2.1 version. It's really convenient - it literally
> > saves hours of compile time - but since it touches so many files and could
> > potentially break stuff, it's better to wait for .35 before putting it in.
> It is convenient and it does save hours of compile time. But I think
> it's a new feature, and as a new feature, it doesn't belong in 2.0.XX.
> Of course I defer to Alan Cox as the arbiter of what belongs in 2.0.XX.

Absolutely, it's up to Alan to decide whether it belongs in the official
tree or not. At least I know that I will apply it to every single kernel
tree I use.. :-)

Since 2.0.34final is out, here comes the second patch. Michael deserves
all (or most) of the credit for it, I was just the humble porter to 2.0.


  It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool,
            than to open it and remove all doubt.
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/Makefile linux-2.0.34/Makefile
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/Makefile	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/Makefile	Sat May 30 02:31:44 1998
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 MAKE	=make
 all:	do-it-all
@@ -182,19 +183,24 @@
 	rm -f include/asm
 	( cd include ; ln -sf asm-$(ARCH) asm)
-oldconfig: symlinks
+oldconfig: symlinks scripts/split-include
+	$(MAKE) -C drivers/sound mkscript
 	$(CONFIG_SHELL) scripts/Configure -d arch/$(ARCH)/
+	scripts/split-include include/linux/autoconf.h include/config
-xconfig: symlinks
+xconfig: symlinks scripts/split-include
 	$(MAKE) -C scripts
 	wish -f scripts/
+	scripts/split-include include/linux/autoconf.h include/config
-menuconfig: include/linux/version.h symlinks 
+menuconfig: include/linux/version.h symlinks scripts/split-include
 	$(MAKE) -C scripts/lxdialog all
 	$(CONFIG_SHELL) scripts/Menuconfig arch/$(ARCH)/
+	scripts/split-include include/linux/autoconf.h include/config
-config: symlinks
+config: symlinks scripts/split-include
 	$(CONFIG_SHELL) scripts/Configure arch/$(ARCH)/
+	scripts/split-include include/linux/autoconf.h include/config
 linuxsubdirs: dummy
 	set -e; for i in $(SUBDIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$i; done
@@ -312,8 +318,9 @@
 clean:	archclean
 	rm -f kernel/ksyms.lst include/linux/compile.h
-	rm -f core `find . -name '*.[oas]' ! -regex '.*lxdialog/.*' -print`
-	rm -f core `find . -type f -name 'core' -print`
+	rm -f `find . -name '*.[oas]' ! -regex '.*lxdialog/.*' -print`
+	rm -f `find . -type f -name 'core' -print`
+	rm -f `find . -name '.*.flags' -print`
 	rm -f vmlinux
 	rm -f .tmp* drivers/sound/configure
 	rm -fr modules/*
@@ -321,15 +328,16 @@
 mrproper: clean
 	rm -f include/linux/autoconf.h include/linux/version.h
-	rm -f drivers/sound/local.h drivers/sound/.defines
+	rm -f drivers/sound/local_config drivers/sound/.defines
 	rm -f drivers/char/uni_hash.tbl drivers/char/conmakehash
 	rm -f .version .config* config.old
 	rm -f scripts/tkparse scripts/ scripts/kconfig.tmp
 	rm -f scripts/lxdialog/*.o scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog
 	rm -f .menuconfig .menuconfig.log
 	rm -f include/asm
+	rm -rf include/config
 	rm -f .depend `find . -name .depend -print`
-	rm -f .hdepend scripts/mkdep
+	rm -f .hdepend scripts/mkdep scripts/split-include
 	rm -f $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modversions.h
 	rm -f $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modules/*
@@ -347,10 +355,9 @@
 	find . -type f -print | sort | xargs sum > .SUMS
 dep-files: scripts/mkdep archdep include/linux/version.h
-	scripts/mkdep init/*.c > .tmpdepend
+	scripts/mkdep init/*.c > .depend
 	scripts/mkdep `find $(FINDHPATH) -follow -name \*.h ! -name modversions.h -print` > .hdepend
 	set -e; for i in $(SUBDIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$i fastdep; done
-	mv .tmpdepend .depend
@@ -360,6 +367,9 @@
 depend dep: dep-files $(MODVERFILE)
+	perl -w scripts/ `find $(FINDHPATH) $(SUBDIRS) -name '*.[hcS]' -print | sort`
@@ -388,3 +398,6 @@
 scripts/mkdep: scripts/mkdep.c
 	$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -o scripts/mkdep scripts/mkdep.c
+scripts/split-include: scripts/split-include.c
+	$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -o scripts/split-include scripts/split-include.c
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/Rules.make linux-2.0.34/Rules.make
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/Rules.make	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/Rules.make	Sat May 30 14:34:39 1998
@@ -42,10 +42,15 @@
 %.s: %.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -S $< -o $@
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_$@) -S $< -o $@
 %.o: %.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_$@) -c -o $@ $<
+	@ ( \
+	    echo 'ifeq ($(strip $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_$@)),$$(strip $$(CFLAGS) $$(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $$(CFLAGS_$@)))' ; \
+	    echo 'FILES_FLAGS_UP_TO_DATE += $@' ; \
+	    echo 'endif' \
+	) > .$@.flags
 %.o: %.s
 	$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
@@ -60,30 +65,39 @@
 ifdef O_TARGET
-$(O_TARGET): $(ALL_O) $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/config.h
+$(O_TARGET): $(ALL_O)
 	rm -f $@
 ifneq "$(strip $(ALL_O))" ""
 	$(LD) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) -r -o $@ $(ALL_O)
 	$(AR) rcs $@
+	@ ( \
+	    echo 'ifeq ($(strip $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) $(ALL_O)),$$(strip $$(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) $$(ALL_O)))' ; \
+	    echo 'FILES_FLAGS_UP_TO_DATE += $@' ; \
+	    echo 'endif' \
+	) > .$@.flags
+endif # O_TARGET
 # Rule to compile a set of .o files into one .a file
 ifdef L_TARGET
-$(L_TARGET): $(LX_OBJS) $(L_OBJS) $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/config.h
 	rm -f $@
 	$(AR) $(EXTRA_ARFLAGS) rcs $@ $(LX_OBJS) $(L_OBJS)
+	@ ( \
+	    echo 'ifeq ($(strip $(EXTRA_ARFLAGS) $(LX_OBJS) $(L_OBJS)),$$(strip $$(EXTRA_ARFLAGS) $$(LX_OBJS) $$(L_OBJS)))' ; \
+	    echo 'FILES_FLAGS_UP_TO_DATE += $@' ; \
+	    echo 'endif' \
+	) > .$@.flags
 # This make dependencies quickly
 fastdep: dummy
-	if [ -n "$(wildcard *.[chS])" ]; then \
-	$(TOPDIR)/scripts/mkdep *.[chS] > .depend; fi
+	$(TOPDIR)/scripts/mkdep $(wildcard *.[chS] local.h.master) > .depend;
 	set -e; for i in $(ALL_SUB_DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$i fastdep; done
@@ -120,7 +134,7 @@
 ifneq "$(strip $(ALL_MOBJS))" ""
 	echo $(PDWN)
 	cd $$TOPDIR/modules; for i in $(ALL_MOBJS); do \
-	    ln -sf ../$(PDWN)/$$i .; done
+	    ln -sf ../$(PDWN)/$$i $$i; done
@@ -140,59 +154,105 @@
 # Separate the object into "normal" objects and "exporting" objects
 # Exporting objects are: all objects that define symbol tables
 ifneq "$(strip $(SYMTAB_OBJS))" ""
 MODINCL = $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modules
 # The -w option (enable warnings) for /bin/genksyms will return here in 2.1
 $(MODINCL)/%.ver: %.c
-	@if [ ! -x /sbin/genksyms ]; then echo "Please read: Documentation/modules.txt"; fi
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -E -D__GENKSYMS__ $< | /sbin/genksyms $(MODINCL)
+	@if [ ! -x $(GENKSYMS) ]; then echo "Please read: Documentation/modules.txt"; fi
 $(addprefix $(MODINCL)/,$(SYMTAB_OBJS:.o=.ver)): $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/autoconf.h
 $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modversions.h: $(addprefix $(MODINCL)/,$(SYMTAB_OBJS:.o=.ver))
 	@echo updating $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modversions.h
-	@(echo "#ifdef MODVERSIONS";\
-	echo "#undef  CONFIG_MODVERSIONS";\
-	echo "#define CONFIG_MODVERSIONS";\
-	echo "#ifndef _set_ver";\
-	echo "#define _set_ver(sym,vers) sym ## _R ## vers";\
-	echo "#endif";\
-	cd $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modules; for f in *.ver;\
-	do echo "#include <linux/modules/$${f}>"; done; \
-	echo "#undef  CONFIG_MODVERSIONS";\
-	echo "#endif") \
-	> $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modversions.h
-$(MX_OBJS): $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modversions.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DEXPORT_SYMTAB -c $(@:.o=.c)
-$(LX_OBJS) $(OX_OBJS): $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modversions.h
+	@(echo "#ifndef _LINUX_MODVERSIONS_H";\
+	  echo "#define _LINUX_MODVERSIONS_H"; \
+	  echo "#include <linux/modsetver.h>"; \
+	  cd $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modules; \
+	  for f in *.ver; do \
+	    if [ -f $$f ]; then echo "#include <linux/modules/$${f}>"; fi; \
+	  done; \
+	  echo "#endif"; \
+	) > $@
 dep fastdep: $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modversions.h
+endif # SYMTAB_OBJS
 $(M_OBJS): $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modversions.h
 $(O_OBJS) $(L_OBJS): $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modversions.h
-# This is needed to ensure proper dependency for multipart modules such as
-# fs/ext.o.  (Otherwise, not all subobjects will be recompiled when
-# version information changes.)
+	@(echo "#ifndef _LINUX_MODVERSIONS_H";\
+	  echo "#define _LINUX_MODVERSIONS_H"; \
+	  echo "#include <linux/modsetver.h>"; \
+	  echo "#endif"; \
+	) > $@
+ifneq "$(strip $(SYMTAB_OBJS))" ""
+$(SYMTAB_OBJS): $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/modversions.h $(SYMTAB_OBJS:.o=.c)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_$@) -DEXPORT_SYMTAB -c $(@:.o=.c)
+	@ ( \
+	    echo 'ifeq ($(strip $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_$@) -DEXPORT_SYMTAB),$$(strip $$(CFLAGS) $$(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $$(CFLAGS_$@) -DEXPORT_SYMTAB))' ; \
+	    echo 'FILES_FLAGS_UP_TO_DATE += $@' ; \
+	    echo 'endif' \
+	) > .$@.flags
-# include dependency files they exist
+# include dependency files if they exist
-ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend))
+ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),)
 include .depend
-ifeq ($(TOPDIR)/.hdepend,$(wildcard $(TOPDIR)/.hdepend))
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(TOPDIR)/.hdepend),)
 include $(TOPDIR)/.hdepend
+# Find files whose flags have changed and force recompilation.
+# For safety, this works in the converse direction:
+#   every file is forced, except those whose flags are positively up-to-date.
+FILES_FLAGS_EXIST := $(wildcard .*.flags)
+ifneq ($(FILES_FLAGS_EXIST),)
+    $(filter-out $(FILES_FLAGS_UP_TO_DATE), \
+       $(O_TARGET) $(O_OBJS) $(OX_OBJS) \
+       $(L_TARGET) $(L_OBJS) $(LX_OBJS) \
+       $(M_OBJS) $(MX_OBJS) \
+       ))
+# A kludge: .S files don't get flag dependencies (yet),
+#   because that will involve changing a lot of Makefiles.
+    $(filter-out $(patsubst %.S, %.o, $(wildcard *.S)), \
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/drivers/net/CONFIG linux-2.0.34/drivers/net/CONFIG
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/drivers/net/CONFIG	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/drivers/net/CONFIG	Fri May 29 23:08:23 1998
@@ -86,16 +86,7 @@
 # The 8390 drivers share the EI_DEBUG setting.
 # General options for Space.c
-OPTS		= # -DETH0_ADDR=0x300 -DETH0_IRQ=11
+CONFIG_Space.o	= # -DETH0_ADDR=0x300 -DETH0_IRQ=11
+CONFIG_3c503.o	= # -DEL2_AUI
+CONFIG_wd.o	= # -DWD_SHMEM=0xDD000
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/drivers/net/Makefile linux-2.0.34/drivers/net/Makefile
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/drivers/net/Makefile	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/drivers/net/Makefile	Fri May 29 23:08:23 1998
@@ -599,70 +599,3 @@
 	rm -f core *.o *.a *.s
-wd.o:	wd.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(WD_OPTS) -c $<
-3c503.o:	3c503.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(EL2_OPTS) -c $<
-pi2.o:  pi2.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(PI_OPTS) -c $<
-3c505.o: 3c505.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(ELP_OPTS) -c $<
-de4x5.o: de4x5.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(DE4X5_OPTS) -c $<
-defxx.o: defxx.c CONFIG
-ewrk3.o: ewrk3.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(EWRK3_OPTS) -c $<
-depca.o: depca.c CONFIG
-Space.o: Space.c ../../include/linux/autoconf.h CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(OPTS) -c $<
-net_init.o: ../../include/linux/autoconf.h
-ne.o:	ne.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(NE_OPTS) -c $<
-hp.o:	hp.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(HP_OPTS) -c $<
-plip.o:	plip.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(PLIP_OPTS) -c $<
-slip.o:	slip.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
-strip.o: strip.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
-dummy.o: dummy.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
-de600.o: de600.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(DE600_OPTS) -c $<
-de620.o: de620.c CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(DE620_OPTS) -c $<
-lance.o: lance.c CONFIG
-8390.o: 8390.c 8390.h CONFIG
-sdla.o: sdla.c CONFIG 
-dlci.o: dlci.c CONFIG
-dgrs.o: dgrs.c dgrs.h CONFIG
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
-tulip.o: tulip.c CONFIG
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/drivers/scsi/Makefile linux-2.0.34/drivers/scsi/Makefile
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/drivers/scsi/Makefile	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/drivers/scsi/Makefile	Fri May 29 23:12:06 1998
@@ -18,8 +18,11 @@
 SCSI_SRCS = $(wildcard $(L_OBJS:%.o=%.c))
+CFLAGS_g_NCR5380.o = -DGENERIC_NCR5380_OVERRIDE="{{(NCR5380_map_type)0x350,5,0, BOARD_NCR53C400}};"
 .SUFFIXES: .c .o .h .a
@@ -370,30 +373,12 @@
 include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make
-aha152x.o: aha152x.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(AHA152X) -c aha152x.c 
-gdth.o: gdth.c gdth.h gdth_proc.c gdth_proc.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(GDTH) -c gdth.c 
-aic7xxx.o: aic7xxx.c aic7xxx_seq.h aic7xxx_reg.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ aic7xxx.c
-seagate.o: seagate.c
-tmscsim.o : tmscsim.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c tmscsim.c
 53c8xx_d.h 53c8xx_u.h : 53c7,8xx.scr
 	ln -sf 53c7,8xx.scr fake.c
 	$(CPP) -traditional -DCHIP=810 fake.c | grep -v '^#' | perl 
 	mv script.h 53c8xx_d.h
 	mv scriptu.h 53c8xx_u.h
 	rm fake.c
-g_NCR5380.o: g_NCR5380.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DGENERIC_NCR5380_OVERRIDE="{{(NCR5380_map_type)0x350,5,0, BOARD_NCR53C400}};" -c g_NCR5380.c
 scsi_mod.o: $(MX_OBJS) hosts.o scsi.o scsi_ioctl.o constants.o \
 		scsicam.o scsi_proc.o
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/drivers/sound/Makefile linux-2.0.34/drivers/sound/Makefile
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/drivers/sound/Makefile	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/drivers/sound/Makefile	Sat May 30 02:27:13 1998
@@ -40,12 +40,9 @@
 	cp sound.o $(MODULEDIR)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
 ifeq ($(CONFIG_SOUND),y)
-all:	local.h sound.a
+all:	local_config sound.a
@@ -68,7 +65,6 @@
 sound.a: $(OBJS) 
 	-rm -f sound.a
 	$(AR) rcs sound.a $(OBJS)
-	sync
 	rm -f core core.* *.o *.a tmp_make *~ x y z *%
@@ -78,7 +74,7 @@
 	for n in *.c;do echo indent $$n;indent $$n;done
 	$(MAKE) clean
 	$(MAKE) setup-$(TARGET_OS)
 	$(MAKE) oldconfig
@@ -94,58 +90,73 @@
 config: configure
 	@$(MAKE) setup-$(TARGET_OS)
-	@./configure > local.h
-	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DATE \"`date`\" >> local.h
-	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_BY \"`whoami`\" >> local.h
-#	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_HOST \"`hostname`\" >> local.h 2>/dev/null
-#	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DOMAIN \"`hostname -d`\" >> local.h 2>/dev/null
-	@echo \#define SOUND_UNAME_A \"`uname -a`\" >> local.h
+	@./configure >
+	@if ! cmp local_config; then
+	@	rm -f local_config
+	@	mv local_config
+	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DATE \"`date`\" >> local_config
+	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_BY \"`whoami`\" >> local_config
+#	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_HOST \"`hostname`\" >> local_config 2>/dev/null
+#	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DOMAIN \"`hostname -d`\" >> local_config 2>/dev/null
+	@	echo \#define SOUND_UNAME_A \"`uname -a`\" >> local_config
+	@else
+	@	rm -f
+	@fi
 oldconfig: setup-$(TARGET_OS) configure
-	@./configure -o > local.h
-	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DATE \"`date`\" >> local.h
-	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_BY \"`whoami`\" >> local.h
-#	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_HOST \"`hostname`\" >> local.h 2>/dev/null
-#	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DOMAIN \"`hostname -d`\" >> local.h 2>/dev/null
-	@echo \#define SOUND_UNAME_A \"`uname -a`\" >> local.h
+	@./configure -o >
+	@if ! cmp local_config; then
+	@	rm -f local_config
+	@	mv local_config
+	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DATE \"`date`\" >> local_config
+	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_BY \"`whoami`\" >> local_config
+#	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_HOST \"`hostname`\" >> local_config 2>/dev/null
+#	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DOMAIN \"`hostname -d`\" >> local_config 2>/dev/null
+	@	echo \#define SOUND_UNAME_A \"`uname -a`\" >> local_config
+	@else
+	@	rm -f
+	@fi
 kernelconfig: setup-$(TARGET_OS)
 	rm -f configure
 	$(HOSTCC) -o configure configure.c
-	./configure fixedlocal > local.h
+	./configure fixedlocal >
 	./configure fixeddefines > .defines
-	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DATE \"`date`\" >> local.h
-	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_BY \"`whoami`\" >> local.h
-#	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_HOST \"`hostname`\" >> local.h 2>/dev/null
-#	@echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DOMAIN \"`hostname -d`\" >> local.h 2>/dev/null
-	@echo \#define SOUND_UNAME_A \"`uname -a`\" >> local.h
+	@if ! cmp local_config; then
+	@	rm -f local_config
+	@	mv local_config
+	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DATE \"`date`\" >> local_config
+	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_BY \"`whoami`\" >> local_config
+#	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_HOST \"`hostname`\" >> local_config 2>/dev/null
+#	@	echo \#define SOUND_CONFIG_DOMAIN \"`hostname -d`\" >> local_config 2>/dev/null
+	@	echo \#define SOUND_UNAME_A \"`uname -a`\" >> local_config
+	@else
+	@	rm -f
+	@fi
 mkscript: setup-$(TARGET_OS)
 	rm -f configure
 	$(HOSTCC) -o configure configure.c
 	./configure script >
 	cat lowlevel/Config.tmpl >>
-	./configure fixedlocal > local.h
+	./configure fixedlocal > local_config
 	./configure fixeddefines > .defines
-	rm -f local.h .depend synth-ld.h trix_boot.h smw-midi0001.h maui_boot.h .defines
+	rm -f local_config .depend synth-ld.h trix_boot.h smw-midi0001.h maui_boot.h .defines
 configure: configure.c
 	$(HOSTCC) -o configure configure.c
 	@cat .blurb
-	$(CPP) -M *.c > .depend
 	@echo Compiling Sound Driver v $(VERSION) for Linux
-sound.o: local.h $(FIXEDOBJS) sound.a
+sound.o: local_config $(FIXEDOBJS) sound.a
 	-rm -f sound.o
 	$(LD) -r -o sound.o $(FIXEDOBJS) sound.a
-modules: local.h sound.o
+modules: local_config sound.o
 	ln -fs `pwd`/sound.o $(TOPDIR)/modules/sound.o
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/drivers/sound/sound_config.h linux-2.0.34/drivers/sound/sound_config.h
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/drivers/sound/sound_config.h	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/drivers/sound/sound_config.h	Sat May 30 02:28:09 1998
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-#include "local.h"
+#include "local_config"
 #include "os.h"
 #include "soundvers.h"
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/fs/ncpfs/Makefile linux-2.0.34/fs/ncpfs/Makefile
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/fs/ncpfs/Makefile	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/fs/ncpfs/Makefile	Fri May 29 23:08:23 1998
@@ -12,10 +12,8 @@
 M_OBJS   := $(O_TARGET)
 # If you want debugging output, please uncomment the following line
-include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make
+CFLAGS_ncplib_kernel.o := -finline-functions
-ncplib_kernel.o: ncplib_kernel.c ncplib_kernel.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -finline-functions -c -o $@ $<
+include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/include/linux/config.h linux-2.0.34/include/linux/config.h
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/include/linux/config.h	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/include/linux/config.h	Sat May 30 00:14:42 1998
@@ -3,30 +3,6 @@
 #include <linux/autoconf.h>
- * Defines for what uname() should return 
- */
-#ifndef UTS_SYSNAME
-#define UTS_SYSNAME "Linux"
-#ifndef UTS_MACHINE
-#define UTS_MACHINE "unknown"
-#define UTS_NODENAME "(none)"	/* set by sethostname() */
-#define UTS_DOMAINNAME "(none)"	/* set by setdomainname() */
- * The definitions for UTS_RELEASE and UTS_VERSION are now defined
- * in linux/version.h, and should only be used by linux/version.c
- */
 /* Shouldn't these be defined somewhere in a i386 definition? */
 /* Don't touch these, unless you really know what you're doing. */
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/include/linux/modsetver.h linux-2.0.34/include/linux/modsetver.h
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/include/linux/modsetver.h	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
+++ linux-2.0.34/include/linux/modsetver.h	Sat May 30 14:36:29 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+/* Symbol versioning nastiness.  */
+#ifndef _set_ver
+#define _set_ver(sym,vers) sym ## _R ## vers
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/include/linux/uts.h linux-2.0.34/include/linux/uts.h
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/include/linux/uts.h	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
+++ linux-2.0.34/include/linux/uts.h	Sat May 30 00:15:26 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#ifndef _LINUX_UTS_H
+#define _LINUX_UTS_H
+ * Defines for what uname() should return 
+ */
+#ifndef UTS_SYSNAME
+#define UTS_SYSNAME "Linux"
+#ifndef UTS_MACHINE
+#define UTS_MACHINE "unknown"
+#define UTS_NODENAME "(none)"	/* set by sethostname() */
+#define UTS_DOMAINNAME "(none)"	/* set by setdomainname() */
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/init/version.c linux-2.0.34/init/version.c
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/init/version.c	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/init/version.c	Sat May 30 00:15:48 1998
@@ -6,14 +6,10 @@
  *  May be freely distributed as part of Linux.
-#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/uts.h>
 #include <linux/utsname.h>
 #include <linux/version.h>
 #include <linux/compile.h>
-/* make the "checkconfig" script happy: we really need to include config.h */
 #define version(a) Version_ ## a
 #define version_string(a) version(a)
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/kernel/Makefile linux-2.0.34/kernel/Makefile
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/kernel/Makefile	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/kernel/Makefile	Sat May 30 00:16:16 1998
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 OX_OBJS = ksyms.o
-include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make
+CFLAGS_sched.o := $(PROFILING) -fno-omit-frame-pointer
-sched.o: sched.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PROFILING) -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c $<
+include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/Configure linux-2.0.34/scripts/Configure
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/Configure	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/scripts/Configure	Fri May 29 23:08:23 1998
@@ -144,18 +144,20 @@
 	case "$2" in
 		echo "$1=y" >>$CONFIG
-		echo "#define $1 1" >>$CONFIG_H
+		echo "#define $1 1"      >>$CONFIG_H
+		echo "#undef  $1_MODULE" >>$CONFIG_H
 		echo "$1=m" >>$CONFIG
-		echo "#undef  $1" >>$CONFIG_H
+		echo "#undef  $1"          >>$CONFIG_H
 		echo "#define $1_MODULE 1" >>$CONFIG_H
 		echo "# $1 is not set" >>$CONFIG
-		echo "#undef  $1" >>$CONFIG_H
+		echo "#undef  $1"          >>$CONFIG_H
+		echo "#undef  $1_MODULE"   >>$CONFIG_H
 	eval "$1=$2"
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/Makefile linux-2.0.34/scripts/Makefile
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/Makefile	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/scripts/Makefile	Sat May 30 00:17:25 1998
@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@
 	${HOSTCC} -o tkparse tkparse.o tkcond.o tkgen.o
 tkparse.o: tkparse.c tkparse.h
-	$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -c -o tkparse.o tkparse.c
 tkcond.o: tkcond.c tkparse.h
-	$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -c -o tkcond.o tkcond.c
 tkgen.o: tkgen.c tkparse.h
-	$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -c -o tkgen.o tkgen.c
+tkparse.o tkcond.o tkgen.o:
+	$(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -c -o $@ $(@:.o=.c)
-	rm -f *~ *.o tkparse
+	rm -f *~ *.o tkparse mkdep split-include
 include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/Menuconfig linux-2.0.34/scripts/Menuconfig
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/Menuconfig	Sat May 30 15:44:08 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/scripts/Menuconfig	Sat May 30 02:06:52 1998
@@ -19,17 +19,41 @@
 # Portions of this script were borrowed from the original Configure
 # script.
-# Please send comments / questions / bug fixes to
+# William Roadcap was the original author of Menuconfig.
+# Michael Elizabeth Chastain ( is the current maintainer.
-# 070498 Stepan Kasal <> - one change borrowed
-# from 2.1.x version:
-#     131197 Michael Chastain ( - output all lines for a
-#     choice list, not just the selected one.  This makes the output
-#     the same as Configure output, which is important for smart config
-#     dependencies.
-# It also fixes the bug when menuconfig sets CONFIG_M386=y every time
-# it is ran.
+# 070497 Bernhard Kaindl ( - get default values for
+# new bool, tristate and dep_tristate parameters from the defconfig file.
+# new configuration parameters are marked with '(NEW)' as in make config.
+# 180697 Bernhard Kaindl ( - added the needed support
+# for string options. They are handled like the int and hex options.
+# 081297 Pavel Machek ( - better error 
+# handling
+# 131197 Michael Chastain ( - output all lines for a
+# choice list, not just the selected one.  This makes the output
+# the same as Configure output, which is important for smart config
+# dependencies.
+# 101297 Michael Chastain ( - remove sound driver cruft.
+# 221297 Michael Chastain ( - make define_bool actually
+# define its arguments so that later tests on them work right.
+# 160198 Michael Chastain ( - fix bug with 'c' command
+# (complement existing value) when used on virgin uninitialized variables.
+# 090398 Axel Boldt ( - allow for empty lines in help
+# texts.
+# If you prefer all kernel options listed in a single menu rather than
+# the standard menu hierarchy, set SINGLE_MENU_MODE to "TRUE" in your
+# environment.
 # Make sure we're really running bash.
@@ -41,14 +65,21 @@
 set -h +o posix
-# If you prefer all kernel options listed in a single menu rather than
-# the standard menu hierarchy, set SINGLE_MENU_MODE to "TRUE" in your
-# environment.
+# Converts "# xxx is not..." to xxx=n
+parse_config () {
+	sed -e 's/# \(.*\) is not.*/\1=n/'
+# Parses the defconfig file to set the default for a new parameter.
+function get_def () {
+	parse_config < arch/$ARCH/defconfig | grep "^$1=" > /tmp/conf.$$
+	. /tmp/conf.$$
+	rm /tmp/conf.$$
 # Load the functions used by the files.
@@ -62,6 +93,19 @@
 load_functions () {
+# Macro for setting the x and info varibles. get's default from defconfig
+# file if it's a new parameter.
+function set_x () {
+	eval x=\$$1
+	if [ -z "$x" ]; then
+		get_def "$1"
+		eval x=\${$1:-'n'} INFO_$1="' (NEW)'"
+	fi
+	eval info="\$INFO_$1"
 # Additional comments
 function comment () {
@@ -81,14 +125,14 @@
 # which calls our local bool function.
 function bool () {
-	eval $2=\${$2:-'n'}  x=\$$2
+	set_x "$2"
 	case $x in
 	y|m)	flag="*" ;;
 	n)	flag=" " ;;
-	echo -ne "'$2' '[$flag] $1' " >>MCmenu
+	echo -ne "'$2' '[$flag] $1$info' " >>MCmenu
 	echo -e "function $2 () { l_bool '$2' \"\$1\" ;}\n" >>MCradiolists
@@ -104,7 +148,7 @@
 		bool "$1" "$2"
-		eval $2=\${$2:-'n'}  x=\$$2
+		set_x "$2"
 		case $x in
 		y) flag="*" ;;
@@ -112,7 +156,7 @@
 		*) flag=" " ;;
-		echo -ne "'$2' '<$flag> $1' " >>MCmenu
+		echo -ne "'$2' '<$flag> $1$info' " >>MCmenu
 		echo -e "
 		function $2 () { l_tristate '$2' \"\$1\" ;}" >>MCradiolists
@@ -157,7 +201,7 @@
-# Add a menu item which will call our local int function.
+# Add a menu item which will call our local hex function.
 function hex () {
 	eval $2=\${$2:-"$3"} x=\${$2##*[x,X]}
@@ -168,6 +212,17 @@
+# Add a menu item which will call our local string function.
+function string () {
+	eval $2=\${$2:-"$3"} x=\$$2
+	echo -ne "'$2' '     $1: \"$x\"' " >>MCmenu
+	echo -e "function $2 () { l_string '$1' '$2' '$3' '$x' ;}" >>MCradiolists
 # Add a menu item which will call our local One-of-Many choice list.
 function choice () {
@@ -225,9 +280,11 @@
      var=$(echo "$1"|sed 's/[][\/.^$*]/\\&/g')
      #now pick out the right help text:
      text=$(sed -n "/^$var[ 	]*\$/,\${
-                        /^$var[ 	]*\$/d
-                        /^#.*/d
-			/^[ 	]*\$/q
+                        /^$var[ 	]*\$/c\\
+                        /^#/b
+                        /^[^ 	]/q
                         s/^  //
                     }" Documentation/
@@ -317,6 +374,7 @@
 		   	case $x in
 		   	y) eval $1=n ;;
 		   	n) eval $1=y ;;
+			*) eval $1=y ;;
 		   	esac ;;
 		*)	eval $1=n ;;
@@ -329,14 +387,14 @@
 # Same as bool() except options are (Module/No)
 function mod_bool () {
-	eval $2=\${$2:-'n'}  x=\$$2
+	set_x "$2"
 	case $x in
 	y|m) flag='M' ;;
 	*)   flag=' ' ;;
-	echo -ne "'$2' '<$flag> $1' " >>MCmenu
+	echo -ne "'$2' '<$flag> $1$info' " >>MCmenu
 	echo -e "function $2 () { l_mod_bool '$2' \"\$1\" ;}" >>MCradiolists
@@ -360,6 +418,7 @@
 			case $x in
 			m) eval $1=n ;;
 			n) eval $1=m ;;
+			*) eval $1=m ;;
 			esac ;;
 		*)	eval $1=n ;;
@@ -384,6 +443,7 @@
 		   y) eval $1=n ;;
 		   n) eval $1=m ;;
 		   m) eval $1=y ;;
+		   *) eval $1=y ;;
 		   esac ;;
 		*) eval $1=n ;;
@@ -406,7 +466,8 @@
 			answer="`cat MCdialog.out`"
-			# Avoid problems with GNU vs POSIX expr semantics.
+			# Semantics of + and ? in GNU expr changed, so
+			# we avoid them:
 			if expr "$answer" : '0$\|-[1-9][0-9]*$\|[1-9][0-9]*$' >/dev/null
 				eval $2="$answer"
@@ -440,7 +501,6 @@
-			# Avoid problems with GNU vs POSIX expr semantics.
 			if expr "$answer" : '[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]*$' >/dev/null
 				eval $2="$answer"
@@ -460,6 +520,34 @@
+# Create a dialog for entering a string into a kernel option.
+function l_string () {
+	while true
+	do
+		if $DIALOG --title "$1" \
+			--backtitle "$backtitle" \
+			--inputbox "$inputbox_instructions_string" \
+			10 75 "$4" 2>MCdialog.out
+		then
+			answer="`cat MCdialog.out`"
+			answer="${answer:-$3}"
+			#
+			# Someone may add a nice check for the entered
+			# string here...
+			#
+			eval $2=\"$answer\"
+			break
+		fi
+		help "$2" "$1"
+	done
 # Handle a one-of-many choice list.
 function l_choice () {
@@ -518,12 +606,18 @@
+# Call awk, and watch for error codes, etc.
+function callawk () {
+awk "$1" || echo "Awk died with error code $?. Giving up." || exit 1
 # A faster awk based recursive parser. (I hope)
 function parser1 () {
-awk '
+callawk '
 	menu_no = 0
 	comment_is_option = 0
@@ -576,7 +670,7 @@
 # Secondary parser for single menu mode.
 function parser2 () {
-awk '
+callawk '
@@ -587,7 +681,7 @@
 		if ($1 ~ /mainmenu_option|endmenu/) {
 			printf("") >>menu
-		else if ($0 ~ /^#|\$MAKE|mainmenu_name/) {
+		else if ($0 ~ /^#|$MAKE|mainmenu_name/) {
 			printf("") >>menu
 		else if ($1 == "source") {
@@ -635,9 +729,9 @@
 	for i in MCmenu*
+		echo -n "."
 		source ./$i
 	rm -f MCmenu*
@@ -659,13 +753,11 @@
 			cat <<EOM
 Menuconfig has encountered a possible error in one of the kernel's
 configuration files and is unable to continue.
-Please report this to the author <>.  You may also
-send a problem report to or post a
-message to the news group.
+Please report this to the maintainer <>.  You may also
+send a problem report to <>.
 Please indicate the kernel version you are trying to configure and
 which menu you were trying to enter when this error occurred.
@@ -711,7 +803,6 @@
 			stty sane
 			cat <<EOM
 There seems to be a problem with the lxdialog companion utility which is
 built prior to running Menuconfig.  Usually this is an indicator that you
 have upgraded/downgraded your ncurses libraries and did not remove the 
@@ -726,8 +817,8 @@
 "make clean all" command.
 If you have verified that your ncurses install is correct, you may email
-the author <> or post a message on the
-news group for additional assistance. 
+the maintainer <> or post a message to
+<> for additional assistance. 
@@ -754,7 +845,7 @@
 	while true
 		$DIALOG --backtitle "$backtitle" \
 			--inputbox "\
@@ -820,7 +911,6 @@
 	while true
 		$DIALOG --backtitle "$backtitle" \
 			--inputbox "\
 Enter a filename to which this configuration should be saved \
@@ -867,25 +957,38 @@
 	rm -f help.out MCdialog.out
-# Load config file into the environment converting all
-# "# OPTION is not set" lines to "OPTION=n".
-# The $ARCH defaults are loaded first so "new"/previously 
-# unconfigured parameters are assigned the proper defaults.
+# Load config options from a file.
+# Converts all "# OPTION is not set" lines to "OPTION=n" lines
 function load_config_file () {
-	eval "`sed -e 's/# \(.*\) is not set.*/\1=n/' arch/$ARCH/defconfig $1`"
+	awk '
+	  /# .* is not set.*/ { printf("%s=n\n", $2) }
+	! /# .* is not set.*/ { print }
+	' $1 >.tmpconfig
+	source ./.tmpconfig
+	rm -f .tmpconfig
 # Just what it says.
 save_configuration () {
-	${DIALOG} --backtitle "$backtitle" \
-		  --infobox "Saving your kernel configuration..."  3 40
+        echo
+	echo -n "Saving your kernel configuration."
+	#
+	# Macro for setting the newval varible. get's default from defconfig
+	# file if it's a new parameter and it has not been shown yet.
+	#
+	function set_newval () {
+		eval newval=\$$1
+		if [ -z "$newval" ]; then
+			get_def "$1"
+			eval newval=\${$1:-'n'}
+		fi
+	}
 	# Now, let's redefine the configuration functions for final
@@ -894,25 +997,27 @@
 	# Nested function definitions, YIPEE!
 	function bool () {
-		eval define_bool "$2" "\${$2:-n}"
+		set_newval "$2"
+		eval define_bool "$2" "$newval"
 	function tristate () {
-		eval define_bool "$2" "\${$2:-n}"
+		set_newval "$2"
+		eval define_bool "$2" "$newval"
 	function dep_tristate () {
-		eval x=\${$2:-n}
+		set_newval "$2"
 		if eval [ "_$3" = "_m" ]
-			if [ "$x" = "y" ]
+			if [ "$newval" = "y" ]
-				x="m"
+				newval="m"
-		define_bool "$2" "$x"
+		define_bool "$2" "$newval"
 	function int () {
@@ -927,6 +1032,12 @@
 		echo "#define $2 0x${x##*[x,X]}" >>$CONFIG_H
+	function string () {
+		eval x=\${$2:-"$3"}
+		echo "$2=\"$x\"" 			 >>$CONFIG
+		echo "#define $2 \"$x\""	>>$CONFIG_H
+	}
 	function define_bool () {
 		eval $1="$2"
@@ -1023,8 +1134,10 @@
+	echo -n "."
+	DEF_CONFIG="${1:-.config}"
+	DEF_CONFIG_H="include/linux/autoconf.h"
@@ -1036,16 +1149,14 @@
 	echo "/*" >$CONFIG_H
 	echo " * Automatically generated by make menuconfig: don't edit" >>$CONFIG_H
 	echo " */" >>$CONFIG_H
+	echo "#define AUTOCONF_INCLUDED" >> $CONFIG_H
 	MAKE=:	#To prevent sound Makefile from running.
+	echo -n "."
 	if . $CONFIG_IN >>.menuconfig.log 2>&1
-		#
-		# Skip these steps if we are saving to an
-		# alternate configuration file.
-		#
-		if [ "$DEF_CONFIG" = "$_CONFIG" ]
+		if [ "$DEF_CONFIG" = ".config" ]
 			# Create the sound driver's config files for cards
@@ -1075,14 +1186,12 @@
 # Remove temporary files
 cleanup () {
-	stty $S_TERMIO
 cleanup1 () {
@@ -1115,8 +1224,6 @@
 	ROWS=$((ROWS-4))  COLS=$((COLS-5))
-S_TERMIO=`stty -g`
 set_geometry `stty size 2>/dev/null`
@@ -1142,45 +1249,42 @@
 Please enter a hexadecimal value. \
 Use the <TAB> key to move from the input field to the buttons below it."
+Please enter a string value. \
+Use the <TAB> key to move from the input field to the buttons below it."
 backtitle="Linux Kernel v$kernel_version Configuration"
-trap "cleanup ; rm -f .menuconfig ; exit 1" 1 2 15
+trap "cleanup ; exit 1" 1 2 15
 # Locate default files.
-if [ -f "$_CONFIG" ]; then
+if [ -f .config ]; then
+  DEFAULTS=.config
 if [ -f $DEFAULTS ]
-  echo
   echo "Using defaults found in" $DEFAULTS
   load_config_file $DEFAULTS
-  echo
   echo "No defaults found"
 # Fresh new log.
-$DIALOG	--backtitle "$backtitle" \
-	--infobox "Preparing configuration scripts..." 3 40
+echo -n "Preparing configuration scripts: version" 
 # Check kernel version of previous menuconfig build.
@@ -1208,13 +1312,28 @@
 # Load the functions used by the files.
+echo -n ", functions"
+if [ ! -e $CONFIG_IN ]
+	echo "Your main file ($CONFIG_IN) does not exist"
+	exit 1
+if [ ! -x $DIALOG ]
+	echo "Your lxdialog utility does not exist"
+	exit 1
 # Read files and parse them into one shell function per menu.
+echo -n ", parsing"
 parse_config_files $CONFIG_IN
+echo "done."
 # Start the ball rolling from the top.
@@ -1230,27 +1349,12 @@
 if $DIALOG --backtitle "$backtitle" \
 	   --yesno "Do you wish to save your new kernel configuration?" 5 60
-	stty $S_TERMIO
-	clear
-	cat <<EOM
-The linux kernel is now hopefully configured for your setup.
-Check the top-level Makefile for additional configuration,
-and do a 'make dep ; make clean' if you want to be sure all
-the files are correctly re-made.
+	echo
+	echo The linux kernel is now configured for your setup.
-	clear
-	stty $S_TERMIO
-	echo -e "Your kernel configuration changes were NOT saved.\n"
+    	echo 
+	echo Your kernel configuration changes were NOT saved.
 exit 0
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/ linux-2.0.34/scripts/
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
+++ linux-2.0.34/scripts/	Fri May 29 23:08:23 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# checkconfig: find uses of CONFIG_* names without matching definitions.
+use integer;
+foreach $file (@ARGV)
+    # Open this file.
+    open(FILE, $file) || die "Can't open $file: $!\n";
+    # Initialize variables.
+    my $fInComment   = 0;
+    my $fUseConfig   = 0;
+    my $iLinuxConfig = 0;
+    my %configList   = ();
+    LINE: while ( <FILE> )
+    {
+	# Strip comments.
+	$fInComment && (s+^.*?\*/+ +o ? ($fInComment = 0) : next);
+	m+/\*+o && (s+/\*.*?\*/+ +go, (s+/\*.*$+ +o && ($fInComment = 1)));
+	# Pick up definitions.
+	if ( m/^#/o )
+	{
+	    $iLinuxConfig      = $. if m/^#\s*include\s+<linux\/config\.h>/o;
+	    $configList{uc $1} = 1  if m/^#\s*include\s+<config\/(\S*)\.h>/o;
+	    $configList{$1}    = 1  if m/^#\s*define\s+CONFIG_(\w*)/o;
+	    $configList{$1}    = 1  if m/^#\s*undef\s+CONFIG_(\w*)/o;
+	}
+	# Look for usages.
+	next unless m/CONFIG_/o;
+	WORD: while ( m/\bCONFIG_(\w*)/og )
+	{
+	    $fUseConfig = 1;
+	    last LINE if $iLinuxConfig;
+	    next WORD if exists $configList{$1};
+	    print "$file: $.: need CONFIG_$1.\n";
+	    $configList{$1} = 0;
+	}
+    }
+    # Report superfluous includes.
+    if ( $iLinuxConfig && ! $fUseConfig )
+	{ print "$file: $iLinuxConfig: <linux/config.h> not needed.\n"; }
+    close(FILE);
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/depend.awk linux-2.0.34/scripts/depend.awk
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/depend.awk	Sat May 30 15:44:44 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/scripts/depend.awk	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-# This is an awk script which does dependencies. We do NOT want it to
-# recursively follow #include directives.
-# The HPATH environment variable should be set to indicate where to look
-# for include files.  The -I in front of the path is optional.
-# Surely there is a more elegant way to see if a file exists.  Anyone know
-# what it is?
-function fileExists(f,    TMP, dummy, result) {
-	if(result=FILEHASH[f]) {
-		if(result=="Yes") {
-			return "Yes"
-		} else {return ""}
-	}
-	ERRNO = getline dummy < f
-	if(ERRNO >= 0) {
-		close(f)
-		return FILEHASH[f]="Yes"
-	} else {
-		FILEHASH[f]="No"
-		return ""
-	}
-function endfile(f) {
-	if (hasconfig && !needsconfig) {
-		printf "%s doesn't need config\n",f > "/dev/stderr"
-	}
-	if (hasdep) {
-		print cmd
-	}
-	hasdep=0
-	hasconfig=0
-	needsconfig=0
-	incomment=0
-		print "Environment variable TOPDIR is not set"
-		exit 1
-	}
-	split(ENVIRON["HPATH"],parray," ")
-	for(path in parray) {
-	    sub("^-I","",parray[path])
-	    sub("[/ ]*$","",parray[path])
-	}
-# eliminate comments
-    # remove all comments fully contained on a single line
-	gsub("\\/\\*.*\\*\\/", "")
-	if (incomment) {
-		if ($0 ~ /\*\//) {
-			incomment = 0;
-			gsub(".*\\*\\/", "")
-		} else {
-			next
-		}
-	} else {
-		# start of multi-line comment
-		if ($0 ~ /\/\*/)
-		{
-			incomment = 1;
-			sub("\\/\\*.*", "")
-		} else if ($0 ~ /\*\//) {
-			incomment = 0;
-			sub(".*\\*\\/", "")
-		}
-	}
-/^[ 	]*#[ 	]*if.*[^A-Za-z_]CONFIG_/ {
-	needsconfig=1
-	if (!hasconfig) {
-		printf "%s needs config but has not included config file\n",FILENAME > "/dev/stderr"
-		# only say it once per file..
-		hasconfig = 1
-	}
-/^[ 	]*#[ 	]*include[ 	]*[<"][^ 	]*[>"]/{
-	found=0
-		endfile(LASTFILE)
-		hasdep=0
-		hasconfig=0
-		needsconfig=0
-		incomment=0
-		cmd=""
-		depname=FILENAME
-		relpath=FILENAME
-		sub("\\.c$",".o: ",depname)
-		sub("\\.S$",".o: ",depname)
-		if (depname==FILENAME) {
-			cmd="\n\t@touch "depname
-		}
-		sub("\\.h$",".h: ",depname)
-		if(relpath ~ "^\\." ) {
-			sub("[^/]*$","",  relpath)
-			relpath=relpath"/"
-			sub("//","/",  relpath)
-		} else {
-			relpath=""
-		}
-	}
-	fname=$0
-	sub("^#[ 	]*include[ 	]*[<\"]","",fname)
-	sub("[>\"].*","",fname)
-	if (fname=="linux/config.h") {
-		hasconfig=1
-	}
-	rfname=relpath""fname
-	if(fileExists(rfname)) {
-		found=1
-		if (!hasdep) {
-			printf "%s", depname
-		}
-		hasdep=1
-		printf " \\\n   %s", rfname
-		if(fname ~ "^\\." ) {
-			fnd=0;
-			for(i in ARGV) {
-				if(ARGV[i]==rfname) {
-					fnd=1
-				}
-			}
-			if(fnd==0) {
-				ARGV[ARGC]=rfname
-				++ARGC
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		for(path in parray) {
-			if(fileExists(parray[path]"/"fname)) {
-				shortp=parray[path]
-				found=1
-				if (!hasdep) {
-					printf "%s", depname
-				}
-				hasdep=1
-				printf " \\\n   %s", parray[path]"/"fname
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	endfile(FILENAME)
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/ linux-2.0.34/scripts/
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/	Sat May 30 15:44:10 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/scripts/	Sat May 30 00:20:27 1998
@@ -227,23 +227,23 @@
 proc write_tristate { file1 file2 varname variable dep } {
 	if { $variable == 0 } \
 		then { puts $file1 "# $varname is not set"; \
-		       puts $file2 "#undef $varname"} \
+		       puts $file2 "#undef  $varname"; \
 	elseif { $variable == 2 || ($dep == 2 && $variable == 1) } \
 		then { puts $file1 "$varname=m"; \
-		       puts $file2 "#undef $varname"; \
+		       puts $file2 "#undef  $varname"; \
 		       puts $file2 "#define ${varname}_MODULE 1" } \
 	elseif { $variable == 1 && $dep != 2 } \
 		then { puts $file1 "$varname=y"; \
-		       puts $file2 "#define $varname 1" } \
+		       puts $file2 "#define $varname 1"; \
 	else { \
-	    error "Attempting to write value for variable that is not configured ($varname)." \
+	    error "Attempting to write value for unconfigured variable ($varname)." \
 proc write_int { file1 file2 varname variable dep } {
 	if { $dep == 0 } \
 		then { puts $file1 "# $varname is not set"; \
-		       puts $file2 "#undef $varname"} \
+		       puts $file2 "#undef  $varname"} \
 	else {
 		puts $file1 "$varname=$variable"; \
 		puts $file2 "#define $varname $variable"; \
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
 proc write_hex { file1 file2 varname variable dep } {
 	if { $dep == 0 } \
 		then { puts $file1 "# $varname is not set"; \
-		       puts $file2 "#undef $varname"} \
+		       puts $file2 "#undef  $varname"} \
 	else {
 		puts $file1 "$varname=$variable"; \
 		puts $file2 "#define $varname 0x$variable"; \
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/ linux-2.0.34/scripts/
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/	Sat May 30 15:44:36 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/scripts/	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# This script looks to see if a directory contains .h files
-for dir in $@; do
-	for hfile in $dir/*.h; do
-		if [ -f $hfile ]; then echo $dir; fi
-		break
-	done
-exit 0
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/mkdep.c linux-2.0.34/scripts/mkdep.c
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/mkdep.c	Sat May 30 15:44:14 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/scripts/mkdep.c	Sat May 30 00:37:42 1998
@@ -1,17 +1,31 @@
+ * Originally by Linus Torvalds.
+ * Smart CONFIG_* processing by Werner Almesberger, Michael Chastain.
+ *
+ * Usage: mkdep file ...
+ * 
+ * Read source files and output makefile dependency lines for them.
+ * I make simple dependency lines for #include <*.h> and #include "*.h".
+ * I also find instances of CONFIG_FOO and generate dependencies
+ *    like include/config/foo.h.
+ */
+#include <ctype.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <sys/fcntl.h>
 #include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
-char *filename, *command, __depname[256] = "\n\t@touch ";
-int needsconfig, hasconfig, hasdep;
+char __depname[512] = "\n\t@touch ";
 #define depname (__depname+9)
+int hasdep;
 struct path_struct {
 	int len;
@@ -21,19 +35,113 @@
 	{  0, "" }
-static void handle_include(int type, char *name, int len)
+ * This records all the configuration options seen.
+ * In perl this would be a hash, but here it's a long string
+ * of values separated by newlines.  This is simple and
+ * extremely fast.
+ */
+char * str_config  = NULL;
+int    size_config = 0;
+int    len_config  = 0;
+ * Grow the configuration string to a desired length.
+ * Usually the first growth is plenty.
+ */
+void grow_config(int len)
+	if (str_config == NULL) {
+		len_config  = 0;
+		size_config = 4096;
+		str_config  = malloc(4096);
+		if (str_config == NULL)
+			{ perror("malloc"); exit(1); }
+	}
+	while (len_config + len > size_config) {
+		str_config = realloc(str_config, size_config *= 2);
+		if (str_config == NULL)
+			{ perror("malloc"); exit(1); }
+	}
+ * Lookup a value in the configuration string.
+ */
+int is_defined_config(const char * name, int len)
+	const char * pconfig;
+	const char * plast = str_config + len_config - len;
+	for ( pconfig = str_config + 1; pconfig < plast; pconfig++ ) {
+		if (pconfig[ -1] == '\n'
+		&&  pconfig[len] == '\n'
+		&&  !memcmp(pconfig, name, len))
+			return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * Add a new value to the configuration string.
+ */
+void define_config(int convert, const char * name, int len)
+	grow_config(len + 1);
+	memcpy(str_config+len_config, name, len);
+	if (convert) {
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+			char c = str_config[len_config+i];
+			if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);
+			if (c == '_')   c = '/';
+			str_config[len_config+i] = c;
+		}
+	}
+	len_config += len;
+	str_config[len_config++] = '\n';
+ * Clear the set of configuration strings.
+ */
+void clear_config( )
+	len_config = 0;
+	define_config(0, "", 0);
+ * Handle an #include line.
+ */
+void handle_include(int type, const char * name, int len)
-	int plen;
 	struct path_struct *path = path_array+type;
 	if (len == 14 && !memcmp(name, "linux/config.h", len))
-		hasconfig = 1;
+		return;
+	if (len >= 7 && !memcmp(name, "config/", 7))
+		define_config(0, name+7, len-7-2);
-	plen = path->len;
-	memcpy(path->buffer+plen, name, len);
-	len += plen;
-	path->buffer[len] = '\0';
-	if (access(path->buffer, F_OK))
+	memcpy(path->buffer+path->len, name, len);
+	path->buffer[path->len+len] = '\0';
+	if (access(path->buffer, F_OK) != 0)
 	if (!hasdep) {
@@ -43,15 +151,48 @@
 	printf(" \\\n   %s", path->buffer);
-static void handle_config(void)
+ * Record the use of a CONFIG_* word.
+ */
+void use_config(const char * name, int len)
-	needsconfig = 1;
-	if (!hasconfig)
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"%s needs config but has not included config file\n",
-			filename);
+	char *pc;
+	int i;
+	pc = path_array[0].buffer + path_array[0].len;
+	memcpy(pc, "config/", 7);
+	pc += 7;
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+	    char c = name[i];
+	    if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);
+	    if (c == '_')   c = '/';
+	    pc[i] = c;
+	}
+	pc[len] = '\0';
+	if (is_defined_config(pc, len))
+	    return;
+	define_config(0, pc, len);
+	if (!hasdep) {
+		hasdep = 1;
+		printf("%s: ", depname);
+	}
+	printf(" \\\n   $(wildcard %s.h)", path_array[0].buffer);
+ * Macros for stunningly fast map-based character access.
+ * __buf is a register which holds the current word of the input.
+ * Thus, there is one memory access per sizeof(unsigned long) characters.
+ */
 #if defined(__alpha__) || defined(__i386__)
 #define LE_MACHINE
@@ -65,228 +206,283 @@
 #define GETNEXT { \
-next_byte(__buf); \
-if (!__nrbuf) { \
-	__buf = *(unsigned long *) next; \
-	__nrbuf = sizeof(unsigned long); \
-	if (!__buf) \
-		break; \
-} next++; __nrbuf--; }
+	next_byte(__buf); \
+	if ((unsigned long) next % sizeof(unsigned long) == 0) { \
+		__buf = * (unsigned long *) next; \
+		if (!__buf) \
+			break; \
+	} \
+	next++; \
+ * State machine macros.
+ */
 #define CASE(c,label) if (current == c) goto label
 #define NOTCASE(c,label) if (current != c) goto label
-static void state_machine(register char *next)
-	for(;;) {
-	register unsigned long __buf = 0;
-	register unsigned long __nrbuf = 0;
-	CASE('/',slash);
-	CASE('"',string);
-	CASE('\'',char_const);
-	CASE('#',preproc);
-	goto normal;
-	CASE('*',comment);
-	goto __normal;
-	CASE('"',normal);
-	NOTCASE('\\',string);
-	goto string;
-	CASE('\'',normal);
-	NOTCASE('\\',char_const);
-	goto char_const;
+ * Yet another state machine speedup.
+ */
+#define MAX2(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
+#define MIN2(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
+#define MAX5(a,b,c,d,e) (MAX2(a,MAX2(b,MAX2(c,MAX2(d,e)))))
+#define MIN5(a,b,c,d,e) (MIN2(a,MIN2(b,MIN2(c,MIN2(d,e)))))
-	NOTCASE('*',comment);
-	CASE('/',normal);
-	goto __comment;
-	CASE('\n',normal);
-	CASE(' ',preproc);
-	CASE('\t',preproc);
-	CASE('i',i_preproc);
-	CASE('\n',normal);
-	CASE('\\',skippreprocslash);
-	goto skippreproc;
-	goto skippreproc;
+ * The state machine looks for (approximately) these Perl regular expressions:
+ *
+ *    m|\/\*.*?\*\/|
+ *    m|'.*?'|
+ *    m|".*?"|
+ *    m|#\s*include\s*"(.*?)"|
+ *    m|#\s*include\s*<(.*?>"|
+ *    m|#\s*(?define|undef)\s*CONFIG_(\w*)|
+ *    m|(?!\w)CONFIG_|
+ *
+ * About 98% of the CPU time is spent here, and most of that is in
+ * the 'start' paragraph.  Because the current characters are
+ * in a register, the start loop usually eats 4 or 8 characters
+ * per memory read.  The MAX5 and MIN5 tests dispose of most
+ * input characters with 1 or 2 comparisons.
+ */
+void state_machine(const char * map)
+	const char * next = map;
+	const char * map_dot;
+	unsigned long __buf = 0;
+	for (;;) {
+	if (current > MAX5('/','\'','"','#','C')) goto start;
+	if (current < MIN5('/','\'','"','#','C')) goto start;
+	CASE('/',  slash);
+	CASE('\'', squote);
+	CASE('"',  dquote);
+	CASE('#',  pound);
+	CASE('C',  cee);
+	goto start;
-	CASE('f',if_line);
-	NOTCASE('n',skippreproc);
-	NOTCASE('c',skippreproc);
-	NOTCASE('l',skippreproc);
-	NOTCASE('u',skippreproc);
+/* / */
-	NOTCASE('d',skippreproc);
+	NOTCASE('*', __start);
-	NOTCASE('e',skippreproc);
-/* "# include" found */
+	NOTCASE('*', slash_star_dot_star);
-	CASE('\n',normal);
-	CASE('<', std_include_file);
-	NOTCASE('"', include_line);
+	NOTCASE('/', __slash_star_dot_star);
+	goto start;
-/* "local" include file */
-	char *incname = next;
-	CASE('\n',normal);
-	NOTCASE('"', local_include_name);
-	handle_include(1, incname, next-incname-1);
-	goto skippreproc;
+/* '.*?' */
+	CASE('\'', start);
+	NOTCASE('\\', squote);
+	goto squote;
+/* ".*?" */
+	CASE('"', start);
+	NOTCASE('\\', dquote);
+	goto dquote;
+/* #\s* */
+	CASE(' ',  pound);
+	CASE('\t', pound);
+	CASE('i',  pound_i);
+	CASE('d',  pound_d);
+	CASE('u',  pound_u);
+	goto __start;
+/* #\s*i */
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('n', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('c', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('l', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('u', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('d', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('e', __start);
+	goto pound_include;
+/* #\s*include\s* */
+	CASE(' ',  pound_include);
+	CASE('\t', pound_include);
+	map_dot = next;
+	CASE('"',  pound_include_dquote);
+	CASE('<',  pound_include_langle);
+	goto __start;
+/* #\s*include\s*"(.*)" */
+	CASE('\n', start);
+	NOTCASE('"', pound_include_dquote);
+	handle_include(1, map_dot, next - map_dot - 1);
+	goto start;
+/* #\s*include\s*<(.*)> */
+	CASE('\n', start);
+	NOTCASE('>', pound_include_langle);
+	handle_include(0, map_dot, next - map_dot - 1);
+	goto start;
+/* #\s*d */
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('e', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('f', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('i', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('n', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('e', __start);
+	goto pound_define_undef;
+/* #\s*u */
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('n', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('d', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('e', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('f', __start);
+	goto pound_define_undef;
+/* #\s*(define|undef)\s*CONFIG_(\w*) */
+	CASE(' ',  pound_define_undef);
+	CASE('\t', pound_define_undef);
+	        NOTCASE('C', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('O', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('N', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('F', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('I', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('G', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('_', __start);
+	map_dot = next;
+	if (isalnum(current) || current == '_')
+		goto pound_define_undef_CONFIG_word;
+	define_config(1, map_dot, next - map_dot - 1);
+	goto __start;
+/* \<CONFIG_(\w*) */
+	if (next >= map+2 && (isalnum(next[-2]) || next[-2] == '_'))
+		goto start;
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('O', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('N', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('F', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('I', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('G', __start);
+	GETNEXT NOTCASE('_', __start);
+	map_dot = next;
+	if (isalnum(current) || current == '_')
+		goto cee_CONFIG_word;
+	use_config(map_dot, next - map_dot - 1);
+	goto __start;
+    }
-/* <std> include file */
-	char *incname = next;
-	CASE('\n',normal);
-	NOTCASE('>', std_include_name);
-	handle_include(0, incname, next-incname-1);
-	goto skippreproc;
-	if (needsconfig)
-		goto skippreproc;
-	CASE('C', config);
-	CASE('\n', normal);
-	CASE('_', if_middle);
-	if (current >= 'a' && current <= 'z')
-		goto if_middle;
-	if (current < 'A' || current > 'Z')
-		goto if_start;
-	NOTCASE('O', __if_middle);
-	NOTCASE('N', __if_middle);
-	NOTCASE('F', __if_middle);
-	NOTCASE('I', __if_middle);
-	NOTCASE('G', __if_middle);
-	NOTCASE('_', __if_middle);
-	handle_config();
-	goto skippreproc;
-	CASE('\n', normal);
-	CASE('_', if_middle);
-	if (current >= 'a' && current <= 'z')
-		goto if_middle;
-	if (current < 'A' || current > 'Z')
-		goto if_start;
-	goto if_middle;
-	}
-static void do_depend(void)
+ * Generate dependencies for one file.
+ */
+void do_depend(const char * filename, const char * command)
-	char *map;
 	int mapsize;
 	int pagesizem1 = getpagesize()-1;
-	int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
+	int fd;
 	struct stat st;
+	char * map;
+	fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
 	if (fd < 0) {
-		perror("mkdep: open");
+		perror(filename);
 	fstat(fd, &st);
+	if (st.st_size == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"%s is empty\n",filename);
+		close(fd);
+		return;
+	}
 	mapsize = st.st_size + 2*sizeof(unsigned long);
 	mapsize = (mapsize+pagesizem1) & ~pagesizem1;
 	map = mmap(NULL, mapsize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
-	if (-1 == (long)map) {
+	if ((long) map == -1) {
 		perror("mkdep: mmap");
-	close(fd);
+	if ((unsigned long) map % sizeof(unsigned long) != 0)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "do_depend: map not aligned\n");
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	hasdep = 0;
+	clear_config();
-	munmap(map, mapsize);
 	if (hasdep)
+	munmap(map, mapsize);
+	close(fd);
+ * Generate dependencies for all files.
+ */
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	int len;
-	char * hpath;
+	char *hpath;
 	hpath = getenv("HPATH");
 	if (!hpath)
 		hpath = "/usr/src/linux/include";
 	len = strlen(hpath);
 	memcpy(path_array[0].buffer, hpath, len);
-	if (len && hpath[len-1] != '/') {
-		path_array[0].buffer[len] = '/';
-		len++;
-	}
+	if (len && hpath[len-1] != '/')
+		path_array[0].buffer[len++] = '/';
 	path_array[0].buffer[len] = '\0';
 	path_array[0].len = len;
 	while (--argc > 0) {
-		int len;
-		char *name = *++argv;
-		filename = name;
-		len = strlen(name);
-		memcpy(depname, name, len+1);
-		command = __depname;
-		if (len > 2 && name[len-2] == '.') {
-			switch (name[len-1]) {
-				case 'c':
-				case 'S':
-					depname[len-1] = 'o';
-					command = "";
+		const char * filename = *++argv;
+		const char * command  = __depname;
+		len = strlen(filename);
+		memcpy(depname, filename, len+1);
+		if (len > 2 && filename[len-2] == '.') {
+			if (filename[len-1] == 'c' || filename[len-1] == 'S') {
+			    depname[len-1] = 'o';
+			    command = "";
-		needsconfig = hasconfig = hasdep = 0;
-		do_depend();
-		if (hasconfig && !needsconfig)
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s doesn't need config\n", filename);
+		do_depend(filename, command);
 	return 0;
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/split-include.c linux-2.0.34/scripts/split-include.c
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/split-include.c	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
+++ linux-2.0.34/scripts/split-include.c	Sat May 30 00:37:48 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+ * split-include.c
+ *
+ * Copyright abandoned, Michael Chastain, <>.
+ * This is a C version of by Werner Almesberger.
+ *
+ * This program takes autoconf.h as input and outputs a directory full
+ * of one-line include files, merging onto the old values.
+ *
+ * Think of the configuration options as key-value pairs.  Then there
+ * are five cases:
+ *
+ *    key      old value   new value   action
+ *
+ *    KEY-1    VALUE-1     VALUE-1     leave file alone
+ *    KEY-2    VALUE-2A    VALUE-2B    write VALUE-2B into file
+ *    KEY-3    -           VALUE-3     write VALUE-3  into file
+ *    KEY-4    VALUE-4     -           write an empty file
+ *    KEY-5    (empty)     -           leave old empty file alone
+ */
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define ERROR_EXIT(strExit)						\
+    {									\
+	const int errnoSave = errno;					\
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", str_my_name);				\
+	errno = errnoSave;						\
+	perror((strExit));						\
+	exit(1);							\
+    }
+int main(int argc, const char * argv [])
+    const char * str_my_name;
+    const char * str_file_autoconf;
+    const char * str_dir_config;
+    FILE * fp_config;
+    FILE * fp_target;
+    FILE * fp_find;
+    int buffer_size;
+    char * line;
+    char * old_line;
+    char * list_target;
+    char * ptarget;
+    struct stat stat_buf;
+    /* Check arg count. */
+    if (argc != 3)
+    {
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s: wrong number of arguments.\n", argv[0]);
+	exit(1);
+    }
+    str_my_name       = argv[0];
+    str_file_autoconf = argv[1];
+    str_dir_config    = argv[2];
+    /* Find a buffer size. */
+    if (stat(str_file_autoconf, &stat_buf) != 0)
+	ERROR_EXIT(str_file_autoconf);
+    buffer_size = 2 * stat_buf.st_size + 4096;
+    /* Allocate buffers. */
+    if ( (line        = malloc(buffer_size)) == NULL
+    ||   (old_line    = malloc(buffer_size)) == NULL
+    ||   (list_target = malloc(buffer_size)) == NULL )
+	ERROR_EXIT(str_file_autoconf);
+    /* Open autoconfig file. */
+    if ((fp_config = fopen(str_file_autoconf, "r")) == NULL)
+	ERROR_EXIT(str_file_autoconf);
+    /* Make output directory if needed. */
+    if (stat(str_dir_config, &stat_buf) != 0)
+    {
+	if (mkdir(str_dir_config, 0755) != 0)
+	    ERROR_EXIT(str_dir_config);
+    }
+    /* Change to output directory. */
+    if (chdir(str_dir_config) != 0)
+	ERROR_EXIT(str_dir_config);
+    /* Put initial separator into target list. */
+    ptarget = list_target;
+    *ptarget++ = '\n';
+    /* Read config lines. */
+    while (fgets(line, buffer_size, fp_config))
+    {
+	const char * str_config;
+	int is_same;
+	int itarget;
+	if (line[0] != '#')
+	    continue;
+	if ((str_config = strstr(line, "CONFIG_")) == NULL)
+	    continue;
+	/* Make the output file name. */
+	str_config += sizeof("CONFIG_") - 1;
+	for (itarget = 0; !isspace(str_config[itarget]); itarget++)
+	{
+	    char c = str_config[itarget];
+	    if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);
+	    if (c == '_')   c = '/';
+	    ptarget[itarget] = c;
+	}
+	ptarget[itarget++] = '.';
+	ptarget[itarget++] = 'h';
+	ptarget[itarget++] = '\0';
+	/* Check for existing file. */
+	is_same = 0;
+	if ((fp_target = fopen(ptarget, "r")) != NULL)
+	{
+	    fgets(old_line, buffer_size, fp_target);
+	    if (fclose(fp_target) != 0)
+		ERROR_EXIT(ptarget);
+	    if (!strcmp(line, old_line))
+		is_same = 1;
+	}
+	if (!is_same)
+	{
+	    /* Auto-create directories. */
+	    int islash;
+	    for (islash = 0; islash < itarget; islash++)
+	    {
+		if (ptarget[islash] == '/')
+		{
+		    ptarget[islash] = '\0';
+		    if (stat(ptarget, &stat_buf) != 0
+		    &&  mkdir(ptarget, 0755)     != 0)
+			ERROR_EXIT( ptarget );
+		    ptarget[islash] = '/';
+		}
+	    }
+	    /* Write the file. */
+	    if ((fp_target = fopen(ptarget, "w" )) == NULL)
+		ERROR_EXIT(ptarget);
+	    fputs(line, fp_target);
+	    if (ferror(fp_target) || fclose(fp_target) != 0)
+		ERROR_EXIT(ptarget);
+	}
+	/* Update target list */
+	ptarget += itarget;
+	*(ptarget-1) = '\n';
+    }
+    /*
+     * Close autoconfig file.
+     * Terminate the target list.
+     */
+    if (fclose(fp_config) != 0)
+	ERROR_EXIT(str_file_autoconf);
+    *ptarget = '\0';
+    /*
+     * Fix up existing files which have no new value.
+     * This is Case 4 and Case 5.
+     *
+     * I re-read the tree and filter it against list_target.
+     * This is crude.  But it avoids data copies.  Also, list_target
+     * is compact and contiguous, so it easily fits into cache.
+     *
+     * Notice that list_target contains strings separated by \n,
+     * with a \n before the first string and after the last.
+     * fgets gives the incoming names a terminating \n.
+     * So by having an initial \n, strstr will find exact matches.
+     */
+    fp_find = popen("find * -type f -print", "r");
+    if (fp_find == 0)
+	ERROR_EXIT( "find" );
+    line[0] = '\n';
+    while (fgets(line+1, buffer_size, fp_find))
+    {
+	if (strstr(list_target, line) == NULL)
+	{
+	    /*
+	     * This is an old file with no CONFIG_* flag in autoconf.h.
+	     */
+	    /* First strip the \n. */
+	    line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';
+	    /* Grab size. */
+	    if (stat(line+1, &stat_buf) != 0)
+		ERROR_EXIT(line);
+	    /* If file is not empty, make it empty and give it a fresh date. */
+	    if (stat_buf.st_size != 0)
+	    {
+		if ((fp_target = fopen(line+1, "w")) == NULL)
+		    ERROR_EXIT(line);
+		if (fclose(fp_target) != 0)
+		    ERROR_EXIT(line);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (pclose(fp_find) != 0)
+	ERROR_EXIT("find");
+    return 0;
diff -urN linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/tkgen.c linux-2.0.34/scripts/tkgen.c
--- linux-2.0.34pre16/scripts/tkgen.c	Sat May 30 15:44:14 1998
+++ linux-2.0.34/scripts/tkgen.c	Fri May 29 23:08:23 1998
@@ -50,6 +50,14 @@
  * Avery Pennarun - Reduced flicker when creating windows, even with "update
  *                  idletasks" hack.
+ * 1997 11 15
+ * Michael Chastain - For choice buttons, write values for all options,
+ *                    not just the single chosen one.  This is compatible
+ *                    with 'make config' and 'make oldconfig', and is
+ *                    needed so smart-config dependencies work if the
+ *                    user switches from one configuration method to
+ *                    another.
+ *
  * TO DO:
  *   - clean up - there are useless ifdef's everywhere.
  *   - better comments throughout - C code generating tcl is really cryptic.
@@ -1031,9 +1039,10 @@
 		      cfg1 != NULL && cfg1->tok == tok_choice;
 		      cfg1 = cfg1->next)
-		      printf("\tif { $%s == \"%s\" } then { write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s 1 $notmod }\n",
+		      printf("\tif { $%s == \"%s\" } then { write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s 1 $notmod } else { write_tristate $cfg $autocfg %s 0 $notmod }\n",
+			     cfg1->optionname,

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