Re: SV: Ping - error?

Derrik (
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 10:46:50 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 12 Jun 1998, Brian Schau wrote:

> Hi Matei,
> You're right. But is it really desirable? If, for some reason, you
> need to ping an address generated by a program which outputs the address
> in 4 triplets, you get a surprise.
> Might it not be a better idea to stress that octal values and
> hexadecimal values should be escaped, ie. \OOO (for octal) and \xXX (for
> hex)?

Like they said, that's normal behavior. Unless you really want to rewrite
what is standard behavior for the ping tool (which you've demonstrated
yourself) then that's how it's gonna be. Besides, what program would be
braindead enough to write out triplets like that anyhow? :) Also, \0xxx
would generate an ASCII character with the escaped value, not a regular
character sequence.

Derrik Pates

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