(new) Time Travel v2.0 released.

Tigran Aivazian (tigran@aivazian.demon.co.uk)
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 23:52:57 +0100 (BST)

Hello guys,

I have received quite a few nice message since my
announcement of Time Travel v1.0 so I decided to improve it and included a
few nice features, such as

o Trapping stat(2)/lstat(2)/fstat(2) for completeness (R.Wolff's idea)

o Shifting utime(2) backwards

o Accessing sys_call_table[] in an atomic way

o a few other minor changes.

So, if anyone is still interested please feel free to download it from my
web page at <http://www.aivazian.demon.co.uk/tt/tt.html>.

Why is it linux-kernel relevant? Because I think it can also be used for
illustrating one possible way of patching system calls from a module.

For those who do not know what I am talking about - Time Travel is a
kernel module (2.1.x only) that can be used to simulate the environment
with shifted (in any direction) concept of time, both in the sense of
system time and filesystem-related timestamps.

Amongst bad uses of Time Travel is bypassing license limitations of
commercial time-restricted demos. Such use is not encouraged! ;)
Amongst good uses is testing Year 2000 compliance of software for which no
source is available.


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