Re: KeyboardSignal ? does it still work????

Andi Kleen (
18 Jun 1998 01:42:43 +0200

Jan Gyselinck <> writes:

> Hi,
> While browsing init and inittab manpages, I found a kbrequest-item. It
> gets run when the KeyboardSignal key is pressed, but it doesn't seem to
> work. The manpages state:
> init reacts to several signals:
> SIGWINCH: the kernel sinds this singal when the KeyboardSignal key
> is hit. It activates the kbrequest action.
> If I send SIGWINCH to init, the kbrequest-thingy gets run. How do I get
> the kernel to send the signal when I press a key?

Change init to call

ioctl(tty_device, KDSIGACCEPT, SIGWINCH);

Of course you need to make sure that spawn_console in mapped in your current


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