Re: Patches vs complete tarballs....

Mikkel Lauritsen (
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 09:19:25 +0200

John Cochran wrote:

> Yes, I'm claiming that the patches aren't correct. The reason I'm
> claiming that is because whenever I use a patch, I will get FAILURES
> on some files when applying the patch to an unaltered, unmodified
> copy of the kernel source.
> The method I'm using to apply the patches is as follows:
> 1. uncompress and untar the original unaltered source into a directory.
> 2. cd into said directory
> 3. patch -p2 < patch_file > results
> 4. examine results

Quoting from the README file of Linux 2.0.35 which hasn't changed
much in 2.1:

: - You can also upgrade between 2.0.xx releases by patching. Each
: patch that is released for 2.0.xx contains only bugfixes. No
: new features will be added to the Linux kernel until the 2.1.xx
: development effort begins. To install by patching, get all the
: newer patch files and do
: cd /usr/src
: gzip -cd patchXX.gz | patch -p0

Using this method (or alternatively the patch-kernel script in
linux/scripts/patch-kernel) has always worked perfectly for me.
I just upgraded from 2.1.110 to 2.1.115 on my computer at home
this way without any problems at all.

Mikkel Lauritsen

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