[wildly offtopic] Re: Giving a user root access

david parsons (o.r.c@p.e.l.l.p.o.r.t.l.a.n.d.o.r.u.s)
14 Aug 1998 20:09:07 -0700

In article <linux.kernel.Pine.LNX.3.96.980813214727.552e-100000@red.prv>,
Mike A. Harris <mharris@ican.net> wrote:

>Lets put it this way. If you had a machine up 24/7 on the net
>(and perhaps you do), would you run rshd/rlogind for your users
>for any reason?


tcp wrappers can be your friend, particularly when you get dns
from a secure site.

david parsons \bi/ ObKernel? ip firewalling can be your friend, too.

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