Re: copy_from_user() fixu

Jamie Lokier (
Wed, 26 Aug 1998 20:04:50 +0100

On Wed, Aug 26, 1998 at 02:45:07PM +1000, Richard Gooch wrote:
> Agreed. It seems to me that the basis for removing EFAULT is
> essentially an idealogical one.

It probably started the thread that way, but now it's technical. Please
see my other posts about how user space can't simulate the correct

> - - you *will* break applications. That you may consider said
> applications buggy is irrelevant: the question is whether it is
> really worth breaking things.

I think we should make it optional. I've suggested a new SEGV-specific
SA_SOMETHING flag. No applications will break. Emulators can be
changed to get their paging code right.

-- Jamie

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