Re: this SUCKS.

John Hayward-Warburton (
Sat, 12 Sep 1998 13:06:28 +0000 (GMT)

On Fri, 11 Sep 1998, Alan Cox wrote:
> Realvideo was wrong. Realvideo is still wrong. And _I_ made the final
> decision not Tom.
Furthermore, the patch itself is easy to spot, and (if an individual
*really* wants to keep rvplayer working for the time being on a, by
then, disobedient system) it is possible to back it out while
keeping the rest of the machine going (at least up to 2.1.121,
2.1.122 untested here yet).

I suffered (for a moment) when rvplayer broke, but recollected that
the 2.1 series is where things ought to be right, and broken
applications may remain broken.

The files to alter are audio.c, dev_table.h and dmabuf.c. It's a
terrible kludge, but easy to do after reading the patch for 2.1.120.
I'm not posting my patch because it's simply wrong; it's just a
local work-around.


John Hayward-Warburton

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