portmap: RPC call returned error 111

Linux-Kernel Archives (kernel@damacus.dyn.ml.org)
Sat, 12 Sep 1998 13:30:30 -0500

Hello all--

When booting, at the point when mounting remote filesystems, I get several
warning-type errors. I am not using the knfsd (not that that fact really
matters in this case.)

The system works fine, as does NFS. These messages are a nuisance, and are
probably of a much lesser priority.

Thanks in advance for any info that can be provided regarding this.


Going multiuser...
AppleTalk 0.18 for Linux NET3.037
Mounting remote file systems...
portmap: RPC call returned error 111
RPC: task of released request still queued!
RPC: (task is on xprt_pending)
portmap: RPC call returned error 111
RPC: task of released request still queued!
RPC: (task is on xprt_pending)
lockd_up: makesock failed, error=-111
portmap: RPC call returned error 111
RPC: task of released request still queued!
RPC: (task is on xprt_pending)

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