Re: G100 driver

Petr Vandrovec Ing. VTEI (
Fri, 18 Sep 1998 16:59:26 MET-1

I promise that I'll work on G100/G200 driver as soon as
a) Matrox releases docs or
b) I'll get these devices into one of my boxes

Except that, matroxfb now works (tested) on Mystique, Millenium I and
Millenium II. Unfortunately, I've big lack of big-endian testers
(there were two, but I've no report from them), so I cannot say
anything about support on PowerMac.
(I promise that matroxfb will work on PowerMac as soon as somebody
delivers some PowerMac to my table, at the worst case :-) )

And on another note, friend of mine buyed SF64-PCE audio device
(Maestro-1, FM tuner) (PCI ID 0x1285/0x0100). I'm trying to get FM
tuner on that device to work, but if I switch device into
SBPro-compatible mode, I can play 8-bit /dev/dsp, but I'm not able
to find how to set volume for radio :-( (neither for radio nor for
anything - /dev/mixer does not work and sb.o complains that it
cannot believe that this device is SoundBlaster) And it seems that volume
for radio is set to 0 by default (I'm programming FM tuner as windows
do, but I hear no output). And last time I checked it, OSS does not
contain driver for this device. Is there anybody out who has access
to specs or to sound driver (for Linux...) ?
Best regards,
Petr Vandrovec

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CC me.

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