Re: Open letter to the UDI folks?

Kevin Quick (
Fri, 25 Sep 1998 10:54:34 -0500 (CDT)

Mark H. Wood writes:
> Why do the Project members think the Linux community would volunteer to
> write the bulk of the UDI drivers?

This is definitely a recurring theme...

We don't. We think that people who like UDI will write drivers for
UDI whether they are Linux developers, commercial OS developers,
device vendors, Free/Net/Other BSD developers, or Martians. We think
that people who may or may not like UDI will write drivers for UDI if
their boss tells them to (and pays them to do so).

> I suspect some of them assume that
> Linux developers see driver-writing as a pain in the neck and a
> cost-center -- i.e. the way they do.

I agree that most Linux developers don't see it this way.

That's not necessarily the same of Linux users and as Linux grows
in acceptance the ratio of users to developers will grow. If your are
a user/sysadmin and are setting up a system it would be unfortunate from
the Linux perspective if you were constrained to using a specific
commercial OS because the device was new and the Linux developer
community hadn't produced a driver (and the device vendor hadn't
produced a Linux or UDI driver).

> Actually Linux drivers seem to be a
> profit center for those who write them, according to a peculiar
> free-software definition of "profit". (Occasionally it is even
> profitable in a monetary sense.)
> --
> Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer mwood@IUPUI.Edu
> Some things are not improved when made "graphical". Imagine how crude
> Kilmer's "Trees" would be if reduced to comic-book form.
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Kevin Quick        Interphase Corporation Engineering      Dallas, Texas              214.654.5173

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