Re: "Official" kernel source

Shawn Leas (
Tue, 29 Sep 1998 01:55:02 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Alex Buell wrote:

> On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Shane Stringer wrote:
> > Is there a common base you hardcore kernel hackers are working off?
> Yes, Linus's tree is the OFFICIAL one. Except he doesn't test the modules
> feature - he likes to compile a whole kernel without modules. Which is why
> we keep seeing silly little problems breaking the kernel when modules are
> enabled. :o(
> The good news is; fixes for these little problems are always out within a
> day, so have some patience.
> I can only hope that when a 2.2.0 kernel comes out, it won't have any
> silly little problems like this.
> Linus: I recommend releasing one more 2.1.x kernel beyond the "final"
> release to make sure that all the compile problems are ironed out, and
> then we can wave good bye to 2.1. and welcome 2.2.0.

Like 2.2.0-pre1 - preN?

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