Re: [PATCH] scheduler patch, faster still
Tue, 29 Sep 1998 13:21:19 -0600

On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 07:57:43AM -0700, D.A. Harris wrote:
> Well, it wouldn't be waste if you are implementing a voice mail system for
> say 400 users. If the RT stuff was stable and reliable you could challenge
> Qunix in that market.

RTlinux already does that. The reason why the RT stuff in RTLinux is not
in the main kernel is that it is exceptionally difficult to make
a time sharing general purpose kernel also do real-time.
Scheduling may help, but there are serious problems with
1. interrupt processing
2. memory management
3. the numerous shared data structures guarded by sleep

Linux is designed to be non-preemptive in kernel mode. That's a common
and smart design, but it makes "real-time" impossible. There is no
point in putting racing tires on a Jeep.

Victor Yodaiken
Department of Computer Science
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Socorro NM 87801
PowerPC Linux page
Real-Time Page

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