a workgroup application suggestion for patches

Muzaffer Kal (muzaffer@softmixedsignal.com)
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 17:09:40 -0700

I have been reading the discussion about this and I have a suggestion. I
think the reason people who submit patches are irritated is that there is no
feedback mechanism which wouldn't cause too much stress on Linux. What is
needed, IMHO, is a workgroup application where people can submit patches
with titles, priority, what it fixes, etc and then Linus can look at it and
sort it search it etc. The schema should also include a applied, rejected
field with a description and then people can look at their submitted patches
and if necessary can re-activate a closed/rejected patch after making the
necessary changes. Basically a web page carrying a form with a multi-user
data-base at the backend.


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