Re: Linux 2.0.36pre12 / Modular sound 2.0.36 test patch 1

Andrew T. Veliath (
Thu, 01 Oct 1998 21:48:43 -0400

..--==- Thu, 1 Oct 1998 12:27:13 +0100 (GMT),
..--==- Mike Wyer (MW) discussed:

MW) On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

)) On Friday 25 September 1998, at 16 h 13, the keyboard of Mike Wyer
)) <> wrote:
))) There is a slight problem with it though- make xconfig dies on
))) the sound section: Error: Invalid command name "istring"
)) It works here. tk 8.0. egcs 1.0.3.
MW) Well bully for you! The only information of any importance would
MW) be the kernel version ( 2.0.36p12 ) and the existence of
MW) "istring" in tkgen.c Besides, if you were compiling 2.0.36
MW) (which I doubt), you shouldn't be using egcs anyway (on Alan's
MW) advice). In fact, having now found the problem, there's no way
MW) you could have been trying to compile 2.0.36-

MW) The proc istring is defined in scripts/ which comes
MW) with 2.1.x, but is _NOT_ in the patches alan published. Copying
MW) that file into the 2.0.36 tree gets rid of the error message,
MW) but I haven't yet been able to test whether or not it works
MW) properly.

The patch I sent Alan to add the string options from 2.1.x to
facilitate the firmware loading for Maui, MultiSound, etc. in the
2.0.x modular patch did not get fully applied. Here is the missing
piece (sent to Alan, but he is currently on vacation until sometime
next week):

diff -ur orig/ linux/scripts/
--- orig/ Sat Apr 13 07:20:03 1996
+++ linux/scripts/ Sat Sep 19 14:03:59 1998
@@ -260,6 +260,16 @@

+proc write_string { file1 file2 varname variable dep } {
+ if { $dep == 0 } \
+ then { puts $file1 "# $varname is not set"; \
+ puts $file2 "#undef $varname"} \
+ else {
+ puts $file1 "$varname=\"$variable\""; \
+ puts $file2 "#define $varname \"$variable\""; \
+ }

proc option_name {w mnum line text helpidx} {
button $w.x$line.l -text "$text" -relief groove -anchor w
$w.x$line.l configure -activefore [cget $w.x$line.l -fg] \
@@ -310,6 +320,15 @@

proc hex { w mnum line text variable } {
int $w $mnum $line $text $variable

+proc istring { w mnum line text variable } {
+ frame $w.x$line
+ entry $w.x$line.x -width 18 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \
+ -textvariable $variable
+ option_name $w $mnum $line $text $variable
+ pack $w.x$line.x -anchor w -side right -fill y
+ pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on

proc minimenu { w mnum line text variable helpidx } {

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