Re: [Wildly off-topic] Re: Linus is on a powertrip..

Dave Cinege (
Thu, 01 Oct 1998 23:24:16 -0400

david parsons wrote:

> You're describing the direction Linux is going[1], and the mounting
> chaos around us is describing why Linux is going that way. There is
> already peeping about it being improper for hoi polloi to be able to
> just commit things into the kernel; if this was formalized into a
> core team, it certainly wouldn't make things any worse except to the
> black helicopter devotees of the world.

As a 'black helicopter devotee' I'll state I have no desire to see
anything resembling a 'core team' or the bullshit politics that most certainly
will come with it.

Things just need to become ORGINIZED. There needs to be a solid system
for suppling patches and publishing kernels and Linus needs to USE IT.

I've supplied a few small patches and a new feature. I have NEVER heard
anything back on them. The closest I got was when I submitted the 2.0
version to Alan Cox...and ended with Alan waiting to hear back from Linus.
: P

Until Linus gets his shit together I'm apprehesive about working on the
kernel anymore except for things I can ship directly back to Alan. (Which
generally does not mean new features; what I'd like to play with.)

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