kernel: rs_close: bad serial port count for ttys0: -1

2 Oct 1998 23:54:30 GMT


I get those errors with 2.1.123 when I use the serial console with
/dev/console as such:
crw--w--w- 1 merlin root 5, 1 sep 30 14:06 /dev/console

Those warnings only show up when I boot the kernel with:
console=tty0 console=ttyS0,38400n8

I see a few of those warnings at boot time, and shutdown time. Here's
shutdown for instance:
rs_close: bad serial port count for ttys0: -1
rs_close: bad serial port count for ttys0: -1
rs_close: bad serial port count for ttys0: -1
INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel
System halted.
rs_close: bad serial port count; tty->count is 1, state->count is 0

If I boot with:
console=ttyS0,38400n8 console=tty0
(which is what I've been doing lately), I don't see those warnings. I can't
say if the problem appeared with 2.1.123 because I didn't try to have ttyS0
be my main console before.

Anything I should be concerned with?


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