Re: share/, etc/, lib/ & al. (fwd)

Tim Smith (
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 10:54:45 -0700 (PDT)

On Sat, 10 Oct 1998, Horst von Brand wrote:
> Ben Elliston <> said:
> > Is there any chance that this enhancement could be made to the Linux
> > kernel? That is, that the user's PATH is searched for an interpreter when
> > an absolute path isn't given?
> I'd hope not... it's bad enough if you might by accident get the wrong
> ls(1), if you happen to run some kind of "system" script at the mercy of
> whatever interpreter happens to be in the user's ~/.bin
> > Unix should have been designed so that the kernel would do PATH
> > searching and scripts could start with
> >
> > # perl -w
> #!/usr/bin/perl works everywhere, if perl is installed right...

There's a user-space solution. Make a /interpreter directory. Make symbolic
links in that to all the usual interpreters. Refer to those links in your #!
lines. Convince the Linux distribution makers to agree to this, and get the
FreeBSD people to do it, too, and everyone will be happy (except purists who
will think it should be spelled /itrp :-) ).

--Tim Smith

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