Re: Kernel panic: init not found

Greg Mildenhall (
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 19:17:47 +0800 (WST)

On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, Mark Esh wrote:
> I compiled and booted 2.1.125, and everything goes fine until the kernel
> tries to load init... then i get this error.
> Kernel panic: init not found. try passing init= to the kernel
> I have had this problem since kernel 2.1.120,

This is probably the result of your drives changing places on you.
If (for instance) /dev/sda becomes /dev/sdb, and vice versa, because of a
change in the order in which they are detected, the wrong drive will be
mounted as root, and init will not be found on it.
Try putting a static shell at /bin/sh on each of your drives, then see
what happens.


-Greg Mildenhall

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