Re: Linux vs Microsoft

Riley Williams (
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 17:20:19 +0100 (GMT)

Hi David.

On 16 Oct 1998, david parsons wrote:

>>> How many big relational databases were ported to OS/2, and what
>>> is your opinion of the future of OS/2?

>> I have no knowledge on the first question and no interest in the
>> second.

> You should, for OS/2 is a non-MS operating system that had quite
> a bit of stuff ported to and written for it, but still ended up
> dead.

WHat does the first fact have to do with the second? Everybody with
any sense knows that the reason why OS/2 failed is the reason why
Zilog's RIO operating system failed - both were so horribly
mis-marketed that success just wasn't an option...

Best wishes from Riley.

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