Re: Linux vs Microsoft

Henning P. Schmiedehausen (
19 Oct 1998 18:18:21 +0200 (Steven N. Hirsch) writes:

>If you mean "nimbler and smarter" at making money and rolling over
>business competition, then I'd agree wholeheartedly. If these terms were
>used to describe the quality of Microsoft products, I'd have to take
>serious issue.

Microsoft is in a market where noone gives a damn about quality. It
must be compatible and multi media. And there must be lots of people
who keep hammering home these facts.

...quality has _nothing_ to do with this.

Kind regards

Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen --   
TANSTAAFL! Consulting - Unix, Internet, Security      

Hutweide 15 Fon.: 09131 / 50654-0 "There ain't no such D-91054 Buckenhof Fax.: 09131 / 50654-20 thing as a free Linux"

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