
Trever Adams (highlander@teleteam.net)
Sun, 08 Nov 1998 02:27:54 -0600

I wanted to report a success. I didn't try 2.1.126, but this version
fixes some problems I have seen (some of which seemed to be inode
leaks... more in a minute). I haven't run it long enough to be
semi-certain it doesn't corrupt memory (As some reported 2.1.126 did).
I haven't tried sound yet either... but all seems good.

The symptoms of the "inode" leak I was having:
If I compiled a project I am working on over and over (make clean; make
to be certain all was good) or if I compiled the kernel (happened when I
did 2.1.127 under 2.1.125), no matter how long I waited, or if I ran
sync or not, when I would run shutdown -h/-r the system would complain
about / being busy (all but /usr are on that). 2.1.127 seems to not do
that kind of thing.

It feels more responsive. I hope this report is consistent with what
most people have had. (For those who have problem with PS/2 mouse not
working, try making it yes instead of module. The new code works great
for me with gpm (no -R) when doing that.)


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