Re: SCHED_IDLE patch is a source of DoS

Richard Gooch (
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 19:18:57 +1100 writes:
> Paul, I believe you misunderstood Andrea's point. In any case, this
> whole issue is caused by a ill-considered attempt to graft RT to a
> non-RT system by screwing around with the scheduler.

It's not ill-considered. The RT code in the kernel gives us POSIX.4 RT
support. I don't see that from RT-Linux.

> I don't understand the appeal of making the kernel slow, failure
> prone, and incomprehensible by adding incompatible execution modes,
> but life is full of mysteries.

More FUD. Victor, while RT-Linux has it's uses, so does RT support in
the main kernel. If you keep slamming the "standard" RT support in the
kernel, you just come across as being desperate for people to use your
RT-Linux code.

To address your points:

- making the kernel slow: less so than RT-Linux

- failure prone: the SCHED_IDLE patch just exposed an existing bug

- incomprehensible: personal opinion of yours with which I don't agree

- incompatible modes: again a matter of opinion.



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