Re: new processes very slow on otherwise responsive system (2.1.127 and 128)

Andrea Arcangeli (
Sat, 14 Nov 1998 18:02:16 +0100 (CET)

On 13 Nov 1998, Tkil wrote:

>on both 2.1.127 and 2.1.128, heavy exec() (with a fair bit of I/O)
>seems to cause the system to go into a busy wait state. during this
>time, it is difficult/impossible/very slow to launch any new

Could you try again on my tree and feedback?
I changed schedule_timeout() to avoid inserting the timeout timer if the
function is been recalled by a proces in in TASK_RUNNING state. That make
tons of sense. schedule_timeout() will also log if it's been recalled with
a state != TASKrunning or != TASK interruptible.

I read that problems arise when the system is been idle for some time,
maybe this is the reason everything has worked fine so far here...

>if anyone would like further information, please just drop me a line
>and i'd be glad to get it for you.

I _think_ to be the cause of the problem with my schedule_timeout(). I' ll
try to reproduce here. Thanks and excuse me. I am doing my best (and this
night I had a long sleep so I hope to be more smart then yesterday today

Andrea Arcangeli

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