Re: NFS + SMP == file corruption?

Andrzej Krzysztofowicz (
Fri, 20 Nov 1998 13:39:47 +0100 (MET)

> Hi,
> I'm seeing a problem in recent kernels with compiling on our one and
> only SMP server. The problem started around 2.1.127 and has continued
> at least until 2.1.129-6. I cannot see this happening to our UP-machines.

I observed occasional disk cache corruption with 2.0.35, 2.0.36pre12
and 2.1.124 un SMP dual PII (Elitegroup MB) after using user-space NFS.

After some time (15min to some weeks) disk cache became corrupted
(all binaries and libs). After fsck I obseved a lot of corrupted inodes,
some of them being copies of inodes located on *another filesystem*
(eg. copies of some files from /etc are found in /home/lost+found)
and some other data being lost.

The inode corruption appears only on NFS-exported fs (/home).
No problem with other r/w filesystems which are accessed from network
using samba.

I didn't observe it with the official 2.0.36 yet.

I'm using quota on the NFS-exported /home. Maybe the problem is here ?

May it be hardware problem ? I tried some-hour kernel compilation tests
with different configs and different "-j" and there was no problem (even
under load about 100) unless I tried to use NFS.


  Andrzej M. Krzysztofowicz     
  phone: (48)(58) 347 14 61            fax: (48)(58) 347 28 21
Faculty of Applied Phys.& Maths, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland

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