Re: yesss, sound in 2.0.36

Peter T. Breuer (
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 16:14:18 +0100 (MET)

"A month of sundays ago Peter T. Breuer wrote:"
> Just want to thank alan for the modular sound work in 2.0.36!

And now the cs4232 goes in native mode too .. it must be the coffee this
morning. Wonderful stuff from the boys in the soundroom.

> And then sound_firmware.c needs functions lseek and sys_open and
> sys_read that I can't locate for the life of me (I think I had this
> problem the last time I tried backporting one of Alans modular sound
> patches). Where do these come from? I gave up in the end and just
> nuked the function that loads firmware.

I'd still be grateful for a hint as to where these functions are snagged
from. There's a lot of matches against lseek in the source, luke.


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