Re: VIOLENT 2.1.129 serial bug on Alpha.

Theodore Y. Ts'o (
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 15:30:17 -0500

Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 20:31:00 +0100 (MET)
From: "Maciej W. Rozycki" <>

Shouldn't all seven references to MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT within rs_open be
removed? As I see from tty_open (in tty_io.c), rs_close is always called
after an unsuccessful rs_open. As rs_close always calls
MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT, there is no need (and it's even harmful) to do this
from rs_open.

No, because rs_close() only calls MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT if tty->driver_data
is non-NULL.

The change I submitted was the simplest set of changes which fix the
problem, without completely revamping how the module in-use counter
works for the serial driver.

- Ted

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