2.1.129ac5 and Flu-like symptoms

Wed, 25 Nov 1998 09:16:55 -0700

Starting with 2.1.128 (I never tried 2.1.127) and continuing through
2.1.129ac5 my system has exhibited symptoms similar to the "Flu"
described by others on the list. I never see a problem while using
the system during the day, but every morning it is wedged.

If I leave an xterm with top running I observe that the load average is
approximately 1.4, the system is about 80% idle, but I cannot open any
more xterms or start any other programs. Where I can observe system
messages (eg. closing out an existing xterm) the system reports:

"bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable"

I have compiled all kernels UP and SMP, same symptoms.

My system is a 200 MHz Pentium, Asus P55T2P4 motherboard, 80MB RAM,
SCSI disk on an NCR controller. Base software is RedHat 5.0 + updates.

Although I cannot reproduce the symptoms (I tried running my cron.daily
jobs manually) they are present every morning like clockwork. If
anybody has any suggestions on how to pinpoint what is happening I
would greatly appreciate them

- Jamie

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