FW: NTFS partitions show up as OS/2 partitions.

Jesper Juhl (jesper.juhl@dif.dk)
Fri, 4 Dec 1998 15:33:33 +0100

I assumed that most people were aware of the fact that NT and OS/2 2.x
later are both (somewhat loosely, in NT's case) derived from their
proto-OS/2-2.0 codebase after Microsoft and IBM went their separate
Each one proceeded to mutate the proto-OS/2-2.0 into their idea of what
"should be".

- Yes, but the fact that they share the same magic number for their
partitions was not obvious (to me at least). That's a thing that some
(I) assumed they would have changed.
It was a stupid question, and linux-kernel was not the right place to
ask it. I appologize for this "mis-use" of linux-kernel (could we end
this thread now? ;)

/Jesper Juhl

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