Re: Can this CD/Floppy Behaviour be Done? [offtopic?]
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 22:44:17 +0100

On Tue, Dec 08, 1998 at 05:02:19PM -0000, Tony Hoyle wrote:

>>> I was futzing with my system in user-space last night, and I wonder if
>>> there's a way to do something: One of the behaviours I really miss from
>>> my Amiga days is the ability to auto-detect and auto-mount removeable
>>> media filesystems.
> This can be simulated by automount pretty effectively - ie. set it to
> automount your cdrom or floppy when you access /auto/cdrom and automatically
> dismount it a few seconds after the last access.

Is there a way to mount the media as soon as it is _inserted_ and not when
you access it first?

(My two SCSI 32x CDROM drives need their 3-5 sec to be mounted - I have no
idea why... even if they already spun up to top speed)

I once heard something like "supermount" was being done for the 2.0. tree,
has it been ported to 2.1 yet?

_ciao, Jens_______________________________
    cat /dev/boiler/water | tea | sieve > /cup
    mount -t hdev /dev/human/mouth01 /mouth ; cat /cup >/mouth/gulp

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