Re: Where else would you put a database? (was: Re: PATCH: Raw device

Helge Hafting (
Tue, 15 Dec 1998 09:47:02 +0100

Edgar Toernig wrote:
> david parsons asked:
> > Where else would you put it? I suppose that you *could* write a
> > database as lkm's (sybase on Novell, for example, but on that system
> > _any_ third-party application is a lkm, with the expected hilarity
> > when the application scribbles someplace it doesn't want to.)
> >
> > It's an application, and userland is an *ideal* place to put applications.
> The buffer cache and the low level btree/record management should be in the
> kernel. It's really hairy (and slow) to implement this for concurrent
> access in user space. A generic locking mechanism would be another candidate.

Maybe the database vendors could write "database filesystems"
with tables for "files" and record management as specialized
read/write operations?
They could get it into the kernel this way while still being
easily separable for those who don't happen to run databases.

Helge Hafting

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