Re: Where else would you put a database? (was: Re: PATCH: Raw device IO for 2.1.131)

Craig Milo Rogers (rogers@ISI.EDU)
Tue, 15 Dec 1998 09:54:38 -0800

>In article <linux.kernel.Pine.LNX.3.95.981213195126.682B-100000@localhost>,
>Gerard Roudier <> wrote:
>>A database which is entirely implemented in user-land is technically
>>a great crap in my opinion.
> Where else would you put it? I suppose that you *could* write a
> database as lkm's (sybase on Novell, for example, but on that system

You could, in fact, place the record-processing functions
(blocking, indexing, locking) for a database in the kernel. MUMPS?
Pick OS? Or, perhaps, in a more-privileged-than-regular-user-programs
mode: VMS RMS?

Craig Milo Rogers

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