Is it legal for me to do that?
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 01:16:34 -0500


I am a student in computer sciences, and I've been asked to do my final project on the wonderfull world of OSs, more specifictly, I have to take the pc-xinu "Opperating System" and make it better.

Some of the features I have to develop is virtual memory, file system and I have to write a boot loader, and, also, if I have time, it would be nice to make it load some programs into memory and execute them and also to check for permissions for file access.

This is as you know a huge task, and I have about a year to complete it.
The aim of this is strictly educational, and the final product would only be us
ed as a tool for teaching OSs.

As a linux user, the first thing that comes to mind is "Why don't they u
se Linux to do that?". Well, they just want something home-maid that at least so
mebody in the university knows like the bottom of his pocket.

So, I was woundering, since this IS a huge task, how much am I allowed t
o use Linux sources as a tool to accomplish this task? And if I do, should I tel
l anyone about it? And, if I use the sources, and modifie them to complie with p
c-xinu, what comments, and what documentation should I add to the final product?

I will of course complie with all kind of copywrite implicit or explicite that is imposed in this project.

Thank you


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