Re: Auto-loading modules don't working, diacrd question

Matthew Kirkwood (
Sat, 9 Jan 1999 16:12:07 +0000 (GMT)

On Thu, 7 Jan 1999, Alexandre Hautequest wrote:

> I have succesfully compiled and running (after all troubles)
> 2.2.0-pre4-ac3. Is all working pretty well. Except (of course, 'cause
> i'm posting this) my kerneld isn't working. For example: when i dial to
> my isp, i need to use slhc.o and ppp.o modules. none of them is loaded
> by kerneld. I need to manually do this. :(

kerneld's functionality (or most of it, anyway) has been replaced in 2.2
by "kmod", a fully kernel-based solution.

When you configured your kernel, did you enable the "kernel module


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