Horrible parport performance when IRQ enabled

Alex Adriaanse (AMADRIAA@us.oracle.com)
26 Jan 99 14:59:33 -0800

I just upgraded to the 2.2.0 kernel, and the speed at which the data is
transferred to my printer is horrible when I print through /dev/lp0. I have a
standard PC parallel port, and I compiled parport, parport_pc and lp as

When I load all these modules the printing is fast, but when I enable
interrupt-driven operations through procfs or by specifying irq=5 when I load
the parport_pc module, the printer performance becomes horrible. It prints
for a few seconds, then pauses for about a minute, then resumes for a few
seconds, etc.

For as far as I know there are no other devices that could possibly conflict
with my parallel port. Is this a bug in the parport driver or am I doing
something wrong here? Note that my printer used to work fine under 2.0.33-36

Best regards,

Alex Adriaanse

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