Re: Process statistics questions

Rik van Riel (
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 23:37:52 +0100 (CET)

On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Anders Qvist wrote:

> I have a server (kernel 2.0.35, debian 2.0 installation) which is
> under a rather heavy total load, even though no single subsystem
> seems to be under excessive load.

What exactly is that server doing?

> 1) The machine in question is doing quite a few context switches;
> around 1300-1400 per second in average, sometimes topping 4500 or
> more (as reported by vmstat). This is a P2-266

That's quite a lot, even though the dual-AXP with 200
simultaneous users sometimes exceeds this :)

> 2) Is it possible to see how much time a single process spends
> waiting for I/O reads and writes? I understand top on both solaris
> and HP/UX reports a percentage measurement for this.

That's not possible, but vmstat should give you enough
statistical information to help us out on this quest...

If you could send some more system info (memory, type
of disk subsystem, usage pattern) and vmstat and maybe
top output, then we can probably pinpoint the cause in
a minute or 2...


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