Re: Unicode console patch

Guest section DW (
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 01:29:56 +0100 (MET)

From: "Stanislav V. Voronyi" <>

I don't found anything about possible format of such requests/responces.
So I try to made this in my own way. If its not true please correct me.
At the end of this letter I attach patch which make possible to get
all translation information using ESC sequences. This patch add such
new ESC sequences:
\033(? - ask about G0_charset
\033)? - ask about G1_charset
\033%? - ask about utf state
\033C - ask about charset (^N/^O)
\033? - ask about all together
The response string is the escape sequnce to set appropriate mode, i.e.
\033(? -> \033(K or
\033? -> \033(K\033)0\033%@^O
So now possible send to console \033?, save the response string, and than
just send saved string to console to restore its state.
Is this sequnces good ? Any comments wellcome.

No, these sequences are no good.
Instead of describing the structure involved, let me point you at
the references. Most relevant are ISO 2022, ISO 4873 and ISO 6429
which are freely available as ECMA-35, ECMA-43 and ECMA-48.
See and .

Very brief summary:
ISO 2022 describes the general setup of character sets,
ISO 4873 says that the G0 part has to be ASCII,
ISO 6429 describes the VT100-like escape sequences.

[I looked carefully at these things a few years ago -
if there are more recent relevant standards, I would like
to hear about them.]

Andries -

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