Ouch, who's been writing "if [ ! "$CONFIG_FOO" = "n" ]" ?

Michael Elizabeth Chastain (mec@shout.net)
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 01:28:53 -0600

I'm fighting with xconfig again and I noticed some lines like this
have been showing up in the kernel source:

# drivers/net/Config.in
if [ ! "$CONFIG_PPP" = "n" ]; then

Please don't do this. In bash, the operator precedence is undocumented,
and I hate to rely on undocumented behaviour. In TCL, the operator
precedence is documented: ! is higher precedence than =, just like in C.

I'd really like to deploy my new bison-based parser, but until then,
I have to do conservative things like throw "!" out of Config Language.

Michael Elizabeth Chastain
"love without fear"

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