Re: which pci sound card does not have dropouts under load

Alan Cox (
Wed, 3 Mar 1999 21:54:03 +0000 (GMT)

> >From what I've read, the big thing against USB sound is that the PC has to do all the "work" involved with sound.. it can't just simply hand over the job to a "sound card"

Not entirely true. Its a combination. Basically you get what the USB kit can
do and the rest is a mix of software and the USB chips (they do all the DMA
and the like for you including fairly hard real time output).

So what do you get in software. Well with the kit I've got here its basically
what you'd expect off a soundblaster 16, only 48Khz, full duplex, all digital.
The higher end stuff includes things like graphic equalizers.

The really low end featurewise includes neat stuff like plain USB-SPDIF

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