Re: Philosophical issue type thing....

Mike A. Harris (
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 08:04:40 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Alan Olsen wrote:

>> In recent incantations we've got what are called 'kernel threads' --
>> Really what they amount to are a little piece of the micro-kernel world
>> sneaking into the macro-kernel of Linux.
>> I'm not saying this is bad, just interesting. The point I'm making is
>> that if things are working towards clustered computing, Micro-kernels
>> have a distinct advantage in this arena. The MACH 4 micro-kernel (of
>> which I have not been keeping tabs) would be better modified into a
>> fully-cluster-aware-and-capable system than taking the existing Linux
>> base.
>> Last I knew MACH was a semi-stable micro-k... That was a year or so
>> ago.
>> Just an interesting thought blurb... Are we heading towards a
>> micro-kernel?
>Actually the goal is to fold Wine into the kernel eventually. I figure it
>should be done around kernel version 6.6.6.



>> Linus, Alan, Anyone?
>Oops... Wrong Alan. ]:>


Mike A. Harris                   Linux advocate      GNU advocate
Computer Consultant                          Open Source advocate  

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