Re: TCP window updates [Was: PROBLEM: Sending mail-attachment]

David Miller (
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 19:54:10 -0800

Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 04:32:48 +0100 (CET)
From: Matthias Moeller <>

Im quite sure. The patch looks fine for me. I actually tried this
some days ago , it fixed the stalls even with the broken
cleanup_rbuf() function.

My current contention is that the probe0 timer is meant to probe zero
windows. That is, at the sender, it is meant to send a nop packet to
the other end to see if the window has grown past zero at the
receiver. It is not a method to ensure ack reliability from the
receiver's point of view, it is a sender mechanism engaged when a zero
window is received in an ACK.

People seem to have their understanding of these roles reversed.
Or am I misreading things? Anyways, I'm studying this more deeply
right now.

David S. Miller

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