RE: Token Ring layer clobbers first byte of saddr

Russell Leighton (
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 19:05:50 +0100 (CET)

Giuliano Procida writes:
> So the byte may be clobbered at the same time as rii_p is zero. If this
> is an error case then it might be better to printk and abort early. If
> not, the byte should be unclobbered before exit.

Alright, I see what you're getting at. We get a frame with a RIF from
a host on the local ring, but the RII is not restored before the
frame is passed up the stack. Good catch.

rii_p is overloaded. We use it both to determine "localness" and to
determine whether or not the RII should be restored. Patch to follow
(unless you've got one coded.)

> Also, there are two exit points to the function, one on a alloc failure
> and the other off the end. If the alloc fails the byte is not unclobbered.
> OK, I admit this is picky!

"Picky" is good. :-) This has already been identified and a patch

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