Re: popen/pclose problem in Linux 2.2.x with vfork/glibc 2.1

Albert D. Cahalan (
Sun, 28 Mar 1999 00:42:25 -0500 (EST)

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH writes:

> Ahem. It's *vfork*, you can't do e.g. fd manipulations. (Does
> there exist a "true vfork" where this would work? My memory of
> the original says "no, forget it".)

The standard allows a range of behavior, including the extremes
of "just like fork" and "nothing useful works". Extremes are bad.

What people seem to want most:
open, close, dup, dup2, _exit, execve, stat, fstat, lstat,
link, unlink, rename, lseek, fsync, read, write, socket...

It might be reasonable to ask for a few special cases of stdio.
For example, tty output with the data flushed as needed.
(it works for threads, right?) That is a libc issue though.

> (And shouldn't the exit()s in the child be _exit()s instead?)

Yes, that is obviously fatal.

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