SPAM filtering - was Re: Mail delivery failed

Bruce Korb (
Wed, 07 Apr 1999 11:09:41 -0700

Bob Lorenzini wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Riley Williams wrote:
> > I will also add that in my experience, just denying a site access to
> > your system because of a few spam merchants thereon is simply
> > counterproductive and only harms the site doing the denying.
> I respectfully dissagree on this Riley. I realise you have been
> inconvienced by this policy but think about the rest of us. You could help
> by refusing to patronise a provider who caters to net abusers.

Um, so why are _you_ using netcom?
Try posting to a distribution list on
You cannot do it. The anti-spam campain can get out of hand.
In fact, it has. It has become emotional rather than rational.

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