ICMP Weirdness (old bug resurfaced?)

Alex Buell (alex.buell@tahallah.demon.co.uk)
Sat, 1 May 1999 00:17:38 +0100 (GMT)

I keep getting these messages all the time in my logs whenever I do
operations like ftp/telnet/browsing/email.

Apr 30 23:36:37 tahallah icmplogd[53]: icmp_dest_unreach (code
icmp_port_unreach), from localhost
lots =)

What does this means? And what usually is the cause of this problem? Any
clues or answers would be most helpful.

I've done a search for this problem in AltaVista and one of the
possibilities mentioned was that there was a bug like this in 2.1.32.


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